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Recent Seller Updates

Past Seller Updates

2024 Summer Seller Update

This summer, we’re launching new features to promote your inventory to help reach more buyers and efficient tools you can use on mobile and desktop. Plus, get the latest updates on the regulations you need to know when selling in the EU and Northern Ireland.

2024 Winter Seller Update

This winter, we’re rolling out new and enhanced features to help you reach more buyers, sell more efficiently, and protect your business.

2023 Fall Seller Update

This fall, we’re introducing new features and updates to help you reach more buyers, enhance your listings, and have a seamless selling experience.

2023 Summer Seller Update

This summer, we’ve made improvements to processes to help manage your business and make selling more seamless.

2023 Winter Seller Update

This winter, we’re continuing our ongoing work to make running and growing your business easier.

2022 Fall Seller Update

This fall, we’ve got new features and tools to help you launch and grow your eBay business.

2022 Spring Seller Update

This spring, we’re helping your business grow with new and refreshed tools, features, and data.

2022 Winter Seller Update

We’re committed to building a world-class marketplace that empowers you to achieve your business goals today.

2021 Fall Seller Update

New opportunities to boost your visibility and drive your business forward on eBay.

2021 Spring Seller Update

New opportunities to help you grow and enhance your eBay business.

Stay up to date

Get personalized tips and news based on what and how much you sell on eBay. To subscribe, click on the Account tab in My eBay, then click Communication Preferences at left, and check the Seller email promotions box under Promotions and Surveys.
