eBay research tools

Analyze and grow your business with eBay research tools.

What are eBay research tools?

Exclusive to eBay, Product Research and Sourcing Insights let you research what your competitors are doing, how they’re doing it, and how you can improve your own listings on eBay. Optimize your business performance using data from millions of eBay transactions to scope out your competition and make informed decisions about your listings and merchandising.

Product Research

Product Research helps you determine what to sell, when to sell it, and at what price. Research recent marketplace price trends and real-world sales data for millions of items to optimize your listings. Analyze markets, competition, hot trends, and products to find the best-selling items on eBay. You can also:

  • See how products are performing across all eBay marketplaces

  • View clear, easy-to-understand statistics, graphs, and charts

  • Get an overview of which products are popular, successful strategies for attracting buyers, and potential areas to improve

  • Search by keyword or product and use the filters to get the information you want

The best part: it’s free to all sellers. Find it under the Research tab in Seller Hub.

Product Research highlights

Get ahead of the competition by using these features to your advantage.

By researching top-performing listings and comparing listing details—such as photos, price, and item specifics—you can get hints on how to better optimize your listings. You can also identify data-driven keywords that could attract customers to your listings.

Sourcing Insights

With Sourcing Insights, you can see top-performing categories, identify what’s selling well in those categories, and make informed decisions about what to sell next. You can also:

  • Identify categories with high demand and low supply

  • See trends over time, and stay ahead of seasonal demand

  • Use sales data to refresh your inventory based on what buyers are looking for

Sourcing Insights is available to sellers with a Basic or above Store subscription and can be found in the Research tab in Seller Hub.

Sourcing Insights highlights

Use these features to get the insights you need to grow your business.

Find high-potential categories—marked as “Great Opportunity”—that have high search volume and not enough active listings to meet the demand.
