4.54.5 out of 5 stars
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Good value86% agree

Long battery life54% agree

Small form factor77% agree

384 Reviews


Good phone if you text a lot

This smartphone has most of the features of the more current S III, but features a sliding keyboard that adds convenience for the very active texter. This phone was purchased for my children, who text constantly, and they enjoy it so much that I was begged to find the same phone when one broke. The battery life seems to be about the same as any other smartphone, and they need to be charged every day with the use they get from my children. However, batteries seem inexpensive and you can buy a battery and a charger to keep a spare charged at all times, which my children opt to do.

What I like:
-sliding keyboard is easy to use if you text a lot.
-same features and applications available as more current technology, firmware updates available.
-memory is easy to expand using a mini-SD card. I don't know if there is an upper limit to the memory size of the mini-SD, but we have 16GB that we use.

What I don't like:
-the screen seems somewhat fragile, and I've had one crack from a fall onto the corner.
-good cases to protect against falls are almost impossible to find.
-sliders are typically more fragile than one-piece phones because they have more moving parts, though I haven't had any trouble yet.
-the screen costs more to replace than buying a new phone.
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Still Epic in its own right

When they name a product "Epic," there is a certain expectation established and a bar set. The Samsung Epic is one of those phones that nearly lived up to the hype when new and still has a few tricks up its sleeve for us today.

Epic is the Sprint variant of the first Galaxy S, Samsung's flagship device. While the landscape is dull and monotone today, it was a different story when the Galaxy S was still hot news because each carrier got its own special version of the device. With Sprint's heritage being that of the critically acclaimed HTC Touch Pro 2, Samsung really wanted to put out something special in order to pay homage to that legacy, so they gave Sprint the the only (at the time) Galaxy S with a horizontal slider keyboard, which is truly its killer feature. The Epic's 'board represents the pinnacle of smartphone keyboards, surpassing even the legendary Touch Pro 2. To this day, it is still hailed as the best ever. Also unmatched is its Wolfson audio system, which outputs excellent sound that rivals even the more expensive music players and iPods. To this day, the audio quality on the Epic is a step above average.

The big weaknesses of the original Galaxy S phones, the Epic included, were the screen and lack of memory. The "S" in Galaxy S stands for "Super AMOLED," an alternative screen technology that stands to deliver superior contrast to conventional LCD panels. While it does deliver in that area, its substandard subpixel layout leads to a slight reduction in actual resolution due to some pixels having to share a green. Also, these panels are known for their sickly green tint which can only be corrected by making use of a third-party kernel. As far as the memory is concerned, 512MB is just not enough to be able to multitask smoothly. Even when the phone was new, Android software was starting to adopt the practice that it has embraced today of taking up inordinately-huge amounts of memory. For this reason, applications are likely to be erased from memory almost as soon as they are exited, creating a delay when the user attempts to enter back into them. This problem affects even newer devices with 1.5-2GB of memory, but hits especially hard for all smartphones of this era.

In all other areas, the Epic score neither better or worse than its contemporaries. Radio performance, battery life, and cameras are all average for the time. Also, the FM radio in these models, like many others of the day, is shorted out internally, making it impossible to pick up any stations.

In conclusion, the Epic is a unique device that history will remember as the "Good Galaxy S." Its outstanding keyboard gave it the edge over its platform-mates and brought customers to Sprint in droves (before they all left upon finding out how bad the data connection was in those dark days). The excellent sound system and other attention-to-detail aspects on display, such as the cover over the MicroUSB port and Wolfson audio, were seen as added bonuses. I wouldn't recommend the Epic for anything other than text messaging and email nowadays, and the screen certainly does leave a lot to be desired, but for the prices that these things are selling for now, you absolutely cannot beat it.
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Verified purchase:  Yes | Sold by: soonersoft


Pricey but nice!!!

First of all I am retired and at home. I needed a new phone like a hole in the head. That said, lets get on with it. My last phone an LG Lx370 was very good, and worked great but screen was too small to surf the web and text mail.. In came the Samsung Epic 4G. Did not want to wait for 7 months for my upgrade price so bought one on ebay. Paid almost $200.00 more, but had lots of xtras that made up for the additional cost.
The seller was fantastic and the phone operates wonderfully. Taking me a while to get use to but that is expected since I am not a phone genius. Battery life is a little dismal unless you go to all the Android forums and find out how to shut off all the extra (background) running services.
I don't use the phone much, so after the first couple of weeks fooling around with it, The battery is lasting about 4 days (16 hours each) Turn off at bedtime. Have extra battery and charger (a must) to have one fresh if I need it.
Samsung has not come out with the Froyo 2.2 update that they promises yet. This is suppose to make this phone run smoother and better. Oh Well!! Just have to wait. I am still learning an enjoying this phone though. Some say I should have got the HTC EVO. But I like this phone. Found a nice horizontal case and is holding the phone well. Must be careful when useing the touch screen. It goes into other applications by mistake with the slightest touch. Like when I was trying to Edit a phone contact, I ended up calling the person by mistake. The slide out keyboard is a plus with good size keys. (another learning experience). Well thats about it for now. Paid $365.00 for this baby!!
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Great Phone; But I wouldn't call it EPIC

So, I had an EVO before this and wanted to try it out because I was just so capitvated by the screen. First things first, no Android 2.2. Secondly, the navigation buttons on the bottom don't respond as well as the EVO. You have to press them hard, especially the BACK Button (which doesnt always respond). There isn't any zoom on the camera, but it takes great pitures. There are VERY few widgits. Its hard to fill up screens and I wish it had a largely displayed calendar. I also hate that you can only choose one clock instead of having different clocks on the screen. The GPS is terrible. It doesn't always find your location, and when it does, it's about 20 feet off or sometimes, across the street. The keyboard is amazing and the SWYPE texting is phenomenal! The screen is beautiful and vibrant and responsive. I like the shape and the build of the phone, and a 16GB memory card is perfect!! The HOME/BACK/MENU/SEARCH buttons on the physical qwerty are really great and its easy to text too because theres plenty of space between the letters.Read full review...


Finally a phone that doesn't frustrate me too much!

Moving up from an HTC Hero, the Samsung Epic 4G is awesome and very fast. The screen doesn't freeze or slow down at all, like the Hero's, and the functions are very intuitive. The screen is very clear and large, without the phone seeming too bulky, like the HTC EVO. Swype texting takes sometime to get used to but it's cool and even kind of fun to use. The slide out keyboard makes typing emails and longer texts very easy. Everyone I know uses an iPhone and I did have iPhone envy when I had my Hero. Lately for me, this phone makes the iPhone appear somewhat dull in comparison. I guess it's the screen brightness and size and the speed of the phone (not just the 4G speeds, but everything you use on the phone, like pushing buttons, etc, is fast!)

The biggest and only drawback for me would be that the battery drains fast, especially if you're using 4G. It would be wise to purchase an extra battery and you can just use one and charge the other and switch back and forth as needed. This way you won't spend your time having to keep your phone connected to a charger. Replacement batteries with chargers are very inexpensive on ebay, Amazon, etc.
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Tremendous phone. Amazing screen and keyboard.

The Samsung Epic 4g is an amazing device. I previously have owned many phones, including the Evo 4g for sprint, and this device matches or beats it in almost every area.

First off, the display is stunning. I have never seen such vibrant colors or resolution on any phone (iPhone included). It is great.

Secondly the keyboard is huge. A dedicated row for numbers really sold it for me. The sliding mechanism has a great feel as well.

Android is snappy and responsive, though not free from some glitches every now and then (as with any android device).

The only negative I can note is that the Samsung ui does not come preloaded with the same quantity or quality of widgets that HTC's sense has. There are ways around this, and you would never know if you havent owned an HTC device.

Overall, extremely satisfied. When in 4g areas, this thing is super fast. Do not hesitate to get this phone.
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good phone just could be better

No wireless hotspot access. Which is my biggest objection. But this is because un like htc, samsung doesn't have a easy way to flash and reboot. The htc evo can use unrevoked. And its easy to use.

On the postive side the phone has a keyboard. And unfortunely this sprirnts only slide out full sized keyboard. I must say the keyboard on the driod 4 is better and is backlit with LEDs but that of course is on verizon.
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An Epic Galaxy S phone

The phone certainly lives up to it's name, the Super AMOLED screen is simply put, epic. The keyboard is well laid out and roomy enough to use comfortably. Touch sensitivity is very responsive, processor is snappy and I've had no issues with the phone stalling no matter what I throw at it. The only thing that holds it back is Samsung's track record with updates. Still has 2.1 with 2.3 on the horizon. Not necessarily a huge drawback given the growing community of developers on XDA (if you don't mind rooting your phone). Touch Wiz isn't terrible as far as UI's go, sure it's not stock but I really like the grid and list views for the app drawer and the colored squares around the app icons give them a more consistent look. Overall the phone is brilliant and I wouldn't trade it for anything. At least until the Nexus S comes out.

Pro- Super AMOLED
Pro- Top of the line processor
Pro- Keyboard
Pro- One click root!
Meh- Touch Wiz
Con- 2.1
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Great entry 4G Smartphone with All the features and convenience of Google

This smartphone is a solid buy, especially for anyone getting their first phone. It is one of the few smartphones that has a slide-out keyboard, which is very convenient when real-estate on your screen is especially valuable, or, when you need to write an e-mail a text during a bumpy car or train ride (not while you are driving though of course!).
The size of the phone is good and is not overkill like some newer samsung galaxy phones. Being an Android smartphone, it will sync seamlessly with your Gmail account, the calendar and all of your contacts. With google music you can access your mp3 collection from anywhere.
On top of it all, this phone has 4G capability as well.
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fun phone and great display

Overall this phone is fun to have and fulfills all you cell phone needs. Ill start with the CONS. Keep in mind that every phone on the market has its cons. I bought mine used and the previous owner had it for about 6 months. It has only froze on me twice so far and sometimes on websites I wont be able to scroll using touch... ill have to use the arrows on the keypad. Now for the PROS which overrule the cons. This phone takes amazing high quality pictures. The zoom is average.. only zooms 4x. The phone has a high quality screen over all and is amazing for gaming. I love how there is swype as well and the keypad. Overall this phone is fun to use and has great screen quality.Read full review...

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