4.74.7 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics94% agree

Compelling gameplay97% agree

Good value95% agree

210 Reviews


Good, but not excellent

At first opinions this game is really great, good graphics, realistic weaponry, good gameplay and fairly easy controls.
It is very intense with lots of explosions and all kinds of stuff to shoot at.
The levels are open and you can usually see from one side to another with the right weapon.
The game's only downfall is its difficulty settings, where you have to progressively beat harder levels. But once you go from normal to hard, nothing changes with the game, it gets very repetitive. There are less healthpacks and harder enemies for few rewards. In my opinion there should have meen one more mission at the end if you beat the whole game.
I highly reccomend this game to anyone who likes first person shooters, but I would suggest renting it instead of buying it, once the game is done it's pretty much no fun to play anymore.
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All You See Are Bullets

And that's why it rocks. From the moment you play Black, you will notice that the weapon you're holding is as real as they come, but one thing is peculir: it holds 90 bullets per clip, more than enough to rage hell against masked terrorists totally vulnerable to headshots.

Even the gameplay itself is just... bullets. Bullets everywhere. And the way they did it is so freakin amazing. When the bullets hits all around you, the dust flies up and your visiblity gets low, making the gunfight more realistic than in any game I've ever seen. If you hide behind a concrete pillar, enemy bullets will eventually tear it to pieces, making you look for another hiding spot. And the game's memory is so capable that the ground will be littered with bullet casings. It's an all-out war and each bullet that each weapon fires will leave you in awe.

The graphics are the most amazing thing I've ever seen for a Playstation 2, especially as a first-person shooter. From the blurry vision you get when you reload a weapon to fiery explosions to bullets that take a chunk out of concrete walls, this game is very visually oriented, and will make your jaw dangling for quite a while.

There are certain flaws to the game however. The biggest flaw is that you can only save progress after you've beaten a mission. Sure you get checkpoints but they're so far apart and if you decide to quit the game after getting to the 2nd checkpoint, I'm sorry but you have to do that mission all over again. The story is rather convoluted and confusing the first time since everything is flashback. And the terrorists can endure ridiculous amounts of shots if it's not a headshot. They can really survive 20 AK rounds to their arms and still run around fine. The A.I. is really fine tuned but can be real frustrating some times.

Another thing is, and this is not a flaw, but I'm just saying, the game doesn't have much replay value at all. I mean, sure you get unlimited ammo for weapons after beating each difficulty level, but other than that, it's just a good single player fps. There is no multiplayer whatsoever and no level has any memorable moments. It's just a hide-and-shoot game that will get you fired up but after it's all been said and done, you'll want to go to another game. Actually, it really sets up the stage for a sequel.

I personlly think this game works best as a rental. It's relly great game, but it's not a keeper.
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Wow, where do I begin....

I have been in the Army now for about 2 years, and this game is "alright". Not the best I have seen. But it'll have you playing it until you beat it and then after you beat it; it's pretty much boring. The shooting is alright. But like a lot of gamers I love Sniper rifles and this game didn't offer a great sniper rifle. Beating the game is easy...grenades aren't that effective..and I don't know about you but who goes to battle against 50-100 guys with a small mashine gun....yeah you guessed it they offer the rocket launcher about twice throughout the whole game. Cannot jump into vehicles and hardly anything is destructible in the environment. But with the amount of people you get to kill in this game it's pretty tight. Wish they would of leaned a little towards Killzone but all in all its an ok game. Definately could beat it if you can rent it for 3 days. Your choice.Read full review...


Realistic? Interesting Elements

Black has turned out to be very engaging, exciting and fulfilling for the first two stages. Afterward you continue playing a variety of missions, with some well designed enviornments, but the weapons really never provide anything much more exciting than what you can pick up in the first few minutes. Furthermore the A.I. is not balanced well. At one point I sniped a soldier in a room with another solider within a few feet. The dropped solider didn't even excite the other bot at all. Many times the A.I will move, th ebots will operate in a manne rthat can be figured out quickly, and they truly only provide a challenge when there a million of them, or they start running.

Don't get me wrong the idea behind the game is decent and the plot isn't bad. The weapons and detail look very nice on the PS2 and this game affords some good entertianment. However, if you are looking for an engaging game with smart bots, and some stealth elements combine dthis will not suffice.

If you are looking for a good rental, or just a game to pick up that will give you a solid 25-35 minute mission of blowing the baddies up then shell out no more than $15-20 bucks for this. I appreciate the venture EA and there smaller compnay had made and I do like the game but it really hasn't provided much of a challenege except for when my screen had been flodded by lots of enemies at once.

Decent game, could make several improvements
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It's good.

Personally I think this game was amazing. I love the rag doll affect and the gun graphics. These are the best grapics the PS2 can generate. The missions are pretty long but theres no shortage of action. The different selection of guns pleases me. Not many games give you a big inventory of good guns. The one thing I don't like is the intro before each level can't be skipped. Other than that I like the game alot. I would give it a 8.1. It is a highley addictive game and is a very good shooter. It's difficulty is just right for me at least. It doesn't take that long to get the controls and find out how fast you can die. I have plaued it alot and want to keep playing it. So if you are looking for a good shooter this is a very good game for you.Read full review...


For mature audiences!!

I got this for my older son of 18 years in which he loves since it has to do with the Army. It's full of action, great detail but too much profanity, profane language is used which isn't good to be played around younger children or older adults who don't agree with the same. Other than that,it is alright. Shows real life like areas, weapons, and as if in 3D. What took it down was the profane language. The killing is normal action for this type of game but the profanity did hurt the ratings a bit.Read full review...



Great game lots of explosions, shooting, mostly fast pace action. I bought this game because my father and I love a good action game! Be informed this game is not for everyone it is a difficult game, even at the easiest setting. I am not what you call a advanced gamer but I am fast and got good reactions and good patients and that is what you need in this game. My father at some points complained that the bad guys on the game were to hard to see at a far distance. They were small but I was able to manage them. We solved the game together! The game does have some bad language in it here and there every once in a while which we did not care for at all, that is not necessary to make a game fun. For some reason the majority must find that entertaining I guess?? The reason I did not score this game excellent was due to its (difficulty, although after a while learned to appreciate), and spotty bad language but overall it is a great fun game. If you're one who loves a fast pace, intense, fast thinking, blow em up, shoot em all, type of game this game is for you.Read full review...


Great shooter, but thats about it...

I rented this game and played it the whole way through in about 4 or 5 hours. I understand shooters aren't known for their length but this one is fairly short. Depending on how you play, you could finish a level in 20 minutes or an hour and a half. If you are playing to kill and don't really care about yourself, you can blow through the game in about an hour. If you care more about survival and completing objectives, your looking at about 4 or 5 hours. I do agree with everyone else that Black is the most beautiful first-person shooter I have ever played. The levels are very well designed with tremendous attention given to detail. The bullets flying out of the guns, the smoke from the RPG trail, the bullet holes, the scraps of debris. Weapon selection is decent. I got sick of using the AK-47 after the second or third level. The M16 was my favourite, but you didnt start to use it until about the 5th mission. And in a game with only 8 missions, thats lame. The Dolby sound was amazing. I couldn't crank it up as loud as I wanted because I live in an apartment. However, I used some nice headphones and was in heaven. My biggest reason for giving this game a 3 was because of replay value. Simply put, it has a pathetic amount. There are 4 difficulty settings, with easy and normal being available from the start. They are basically set up like so:

Easy: Complete only primary objective. Lots of health packs. Lots of Ammo.
Unlocks: Nothing
Normal: Complete ALL primary and several secondary objectives. Moderate health packs. Moderate Ammo.
Unlocks: 'Silver Weapons' to be used in Normal mode. Hard Mode.
Hard: Complete ALL primary and secondary objectives. No health packs. Scarce Ammo.
Unlocks: 'Silver Weapons' to be used in Hard mode. Black Ops Mode.
Black Ops: Complete ALL primary, secondary, and destruction objectives (destroy everything possible)
Unlocks: 'Silver Weapons' to be used in Black Ops mode.

-'Silver Weapons' make the guns silver and give them unlimited ammo-

And there you have it. Why play through a mode to unlock something for that same mode? I want to play through normal and get silver weapons for hard.

The other thing is multiplayer. Simply put, there is none. This game would have been phenomenal with a multiplayer option. Offline or online. I think it would have been just as good, if not better, than Halo, IF it was developed a bit more.

Conclusion: A great game if you manage to snag it for about 10 bucks. Because of the lack of replay value, I would say spend no more than that.
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good game if you can find used or new at a cheap price

this game is really good , you can blow up just about anything you see there is plenty of ammo and health through out the game. the game is not that difficult , but the only downside is the game only saves at the end of missions not at checkpoints like some games do , and the problem with this is some levels are two hours long and in order to save game you have to sit there and play for two hours , now i have no problem playing a game for two hours , but sometimes i just wanted to play for a little while and knew i could not cause i did not want to have to start the whole level again. also check points are very far between you may play for a half hour of longer before you find a checkpoint. all in alll the game was fantastic except for the poor save option and that the checkpoints are so far from each other. and the game is also very short (only 7 or 8 levels) i can't remember exactly , so my suggestion if you are interested in this game rent if first see how you like it and if you think there may be any replay value and then you can decide if you want to buy it or not.Read full review...



First of all, I am new to the "Game Platform" gaming experience! I have always played games on the computer with the idea that since I own a computer, why go to the expense of buying an X Box, Playstation, or Gamecube game system. I WAS WRONG, VERY WRONG!!! Black is the second "Shooter" game that I have purchased since buying my Playstation 2 and it has been worth every penny. The artwork and screen rendering are excellent and put you in various locals like check points in the woods, war torn cities, docks, factories, and hidden underground facilities. Occasionally you will have assistance along the way in the form of two additional soldiers or snipers helping you, but usually you are alone on your missions. The storyline is a little sketchy and if you start over as many times as I did, it gets to be quite boring and repetative. I thought the background music was well done and adds to the over all mood of the entire game. The weapons in Black are another positive. They all have realistic range, capacity and aim. In automatic firing mode, the weapon will actually drift on you just like the real thing, making it harder to hit your target the more rounds you fire at it. You will find that short bursts and single shots work much better than unloading your weapons ammo as quickly as you can. Black will keep your attention and keep you well entertained for hours, especially if you are new to gaming platform games and the learning curve of a new controller.
What I didn't like about Black was as I mentioned above, starting over! Black does not allow you to save your game on your terms. You have eight missions in Black with roughly three parts to each mission. If you die or need to quit playing between these mission parts, you cannot save your game and will lose your progress up to the last completed mission part. Considering how difficult some mission parts are, this little problem can become a major irritation quickly! Also, there are four difficulty levels to the game. Once you complete a difficulty level, you will receive a minor reward like unlimited ammo or nickel plated weapons. This is nice, but you start a new difficulty level and play the same game. No new missions, areas, or weapons. Just lots more bad guys ready to kill you. Not much incentive to play again, although this game is rather addictive and fun.
I decided to buy Black because it sounded like my kind of game and was listed at a reasonable price as an EBAY Auction Item. I have totally enjoyed playing it and hopefully the few complaints that I have had about the game will be fixed when and if there is a "Black 2" released in the future. If this happens, I will be standing in line to purchase it as soon as it hits the store shelves.
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