4.64.6 out of 5 stars
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Good graphics96% agree

Compelling gameplay96% agree

Good value93% agree

281 Reviews

by Top favorable review

A great classic Battlefield game

Love the gameplay and the destructive multiplayer it’s definitely one of the best in the series. I played.
All of the major battlefield games and this is one of the best. The graphics are still really good for today’s standards and the story is also memorable. Great game overallRead full review...

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: pre-owned | Sold by: us_masta

by Top critical review


if I wanted to hear a story every check point then it would be ok. I have played other games like the original doom, quake, and halo and halo2, they are much better games

Verified purchase:  Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: videogamesupply


Everyone should play this at least once!

The quartet of military misfits introduced in the original Battlefield: Bad Company are back and taking a backseat to a revamped (and far more exciting) multiplayer mode in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

On the single-player side of things, Marlowe, Sweetwater, Haggard and Sarge find themselves embroiled in a military endeavor that feels way above their level of understanding—appropriately, as the soldiers in B Company are tasked with hunting down a mysterious super-weapon that dates back to World War II. Bad Company 2 does some time jumping, with the game kicking off in Japan during 1940s, then leaping forward to the modern day, bouncing around from frosty locations like Alaska to balmy Bolivia and beyond. Along the way, bald bad guys must be stopped, lest freedom and the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are destroyed by a doomsday device in the hands of a madman.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2's multiplayer has clearly been given more priority—just look at the game's box art, which favors a prominent "Battlefield" over the "Bad Company," the direct opposite of the first entry. Or simply play the game, which may be the best multiplayer offering fans of modern military shooters will get this year, one that outshines its single-player half.
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Bad company 2 is not great, not bad, it's ok, upgrade??

The best part of this game is the new Squad Mode in MultiPlayer! The graphics aren't much of a step up from the previous bad company release. How ever the game play and bullet trajectory is much better. The maps are Nice, but a bit small in Squad mode. I haven't much gotten into the Campaign yet, as I got it for the Multi player. COD modern warfare 2 is still the Prettiest with the best overall gameplay for FPS on the market for PS3. This Game BC2 has great Gameplay, and the New Building destruction has been taken to the next level, the buildings will give in under the damage and you will here a voice say this thing is coming down, and you gotta run out of the building in multi player before it collapses, kinda cool. There is excessive swearing from the In game voice, and that's coming from somebody who throws around the F bomb while playing the game like grenades, And i still find my self trying to keep up with the stream of vulgarities coming from the Game it self, and we aren't talking the other players. Over all I give it 7/10, If i hadn't played the previous one and wasn't constantly comparing it to COD MWF2 in my head i would give it a 8.5/10 It's a Good game, they didn't fix the side step while sprinting control though, and still no Prone. Also offers A different class/weapon select screen, and a Join squad feature in other On line Game Modes like Rush, or conquest. So far I'm holding out for some Good maps in there first map release to save this Multi player platform. Glad I only paid $45 for my NIB copy off Ebay and not $65 from the store Or i'd be a bit Pissed off about the Graphics looking Like a Nintendo 64 game with a 720p processor. Oh well, Still a Fun game to play when COD gets boring, like it always does. I love Bad company two for the Sniper aspect, it's a way more realistic shooter for those who prefer sniping, and the maps offer a lot of good nooks and ledges.Read full review...


excellent game.

Excellent game. The destructible enviornments just make it just as more fun. That's something Call of Duty just can't pull off. The leveling system is great and balanced because it only gives points toward the classes that you play with mostly. One thing I didn' like though is the fact that when you try to go online sometimes your profile data is reset. You have to play a couple of rounds to make it go away, stil it's frustrating. Also, the highest HD settings for this game is 720p, while my TV has a maximum of 1080p, which was dissappointing to me. All in all, it's a great game that can provide hours of endless fun.Read full review...


Better than Cod!!!

This game, is by far, my personal favorite. I am a harcore gamer and practically addicted to the Call of Duty series. However Cod has been, disappointing, that's why I bought Battlefield. Was it a good choice? How about replacement for Cod! Even after Black Ops I find my self continually going back to Battlefield. The setup in battle field is much better than Cod. Games are much larger, im not sure about team sizes but I believe its 12 or 16 per team. Thats a fairly large number of people, but the maps are not crowded. The maps are very well designed, multiple sniper spots, vantage points, explosive barrels, trees, forests, you name it they have it. One of my favorite aspects, vehicles. In every game there is some game ranging from a four wheeler to a tank, to the apache gun ships. It is pretty intense, especially in my case, I had a lucky shot on the pilot of a Helicopter, the whole thing fell out of the sky and killed the passengers who failed to realized that they no longer had a pilot. With no time to jump and deploy a parachute they crashed into the ground, exploding into a horrendous fireball. The game also has a well balanced spawn system. The map will not let enemies into your spawn on most maps. It tells them that they are leaving the battlefield and if they do not return they are killed after 5 seconds. Spawn camping was terrible on Cod and since that problem has never been fixed I turn to battlefield. The game itself is about the same for graphics, maybe slightly less detailed, but the quality of game play, and sound (surprisingly) Is incredible. The campers that plague Cod are no longer a problem (for long) tho camping is a very easy and effective strategy, it is not shunned or recommended on battlefield. You can camp all day long if you want, as long as you have cover, in most cases, once a camper or sniper is sighted (or spotted by another player, a tool which buts a red triangle above enemies on all teammates screens. Very handy) Other snipers will usually seek out the targets, if the target is hidden in a building, a simple shoulder fired rocket launcher is enough to expose poor guy. If hes not killed, it'll shake him up, probably relocate if he can. Building walls, trees, virtually everything is destructible in the game. Buildings will come crashing down, killing anyone inside, or on the roof, once the structural integrity has been reduced. these piles of wood and metal would seem to be worthless, however you can crawl through some of the small spaces underneath and ambush unsuspecting targets. They can provide better cover than the original standing building.

My overall impression? Battlefield ups the bar for shooters, providing a very in-depth and large scale battle every time. No match is the same, and I hope to see you on the battlefield ;)
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Best FPS on the market

I've tried Call of Duty, Homefront, Modern Warfare, Black Ops, and other Battlefield games, and nothing compares to the immersive gameplay and interactive environments of this game.

No other game has the co-operative squad-centric, objective-based matches that Bad Company 2 can create. Even more so, when you turn on your mic and communicate with your squad.

Unlike Call of Duty and Homefront, guns act more realistic in BC2. you don't feel like you are running around a rat maze firing lasers.

If you find yourself backagainst a wall, fear not, use an explosive weapon and make a door where once there was only a wall.

See that sniper hiding in that tower way up there on the hill? No problem. The tower is completely destructible and will collapse (killing the sniper in destruction).

See someone run into a building and don't want to chase them inside? No problem. Place C4 charges around the walls and bring that building down.

The software developer, DICE, did an amazing job with Destruction 2.0 in this game. The environment is actually the 25th player in the game. Just about anything you see can be destroyed. You can use this to your advantage by making a divot in the ground and then placing a landmine in the hole, making your mines harder for enemy vehicles to spot.

... oh, I almost forgot, the vehicles! Whether its a quad, a UAV, a boat, a helicopter, or an M1A1 Abrams or a soviet Tiger Tank, you'll find unique challenges in vehicles -- and will find yourself cursing them when you are unable to hit that circling Apache with your RPG-7....

The "vanilla" version of the game permits you to press your "SELECT" button when you see an enemy that will "spot" that enemy for the rest of your team to see. If you don't kill them, but your squad or teammates do, you get points for assisting. If you find this to be too elementary for your game-style, the spotting mechanics are hidden in the "hardcore mode" though.

At the end of 2010, DICE released an expansion product for $15 that used the same base-models, but puts your team in The 'Nam. Firefights in Vietnam use era-specific weaponry, and are more close-quarters due to the density of the jungles and narrow maps.

All in all, this is a great, well-rounded game with several game modes to choose from. You have the Squad Deathmatch games for the Call of Duty recruits getting their feet wet. There's a "capture the flag" mode call Conquest, and the genre-defining "Rush" mode that pits your team against the other team in an attempt to defend (or destroy) sets of two communications stations. You have to play it to believe it! (All of these modes are available in the Vietnam expansion pack as well)

I have been looking for a substitute to this game, but there just is not a suitable replacement out there on the market. I was holding off re-purchasing this game due to the recent release of THQ's Homefront, but was deeply disappointed in the gameplay and lack of environmental interaction of the THQ release.

Whether you are a aged veteran to the Battlefield, or a newcomer to the genre, look no further than Battlefield:Bad Company 2. Accept no imitations.

The only people who aren't going to like this game are the Treyarch diehard fans who won't give it a chance. If you rent it, you will buy it. Save yourself the rental expense, and buy this game. Preferably with the "VIP code" so that you have access to all of the maps.
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From the moment I laid my hands on Battlefield: Modern Combat for the PS2 I knew this series was going to be my new home. I had previously played Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, SOCOM and Black Hawk Down games on the PS2 and even though they were great single player and online competitive games they lacked something [in multiplayer]that is ever present in any battlefield: Vehicles.

Modern Combat was the highest point for first person shooters in the PS2 because it gave players the full experience [as much as a video game can provide] of being engaged in warfare. From Humvee s to light and heavy tanks, and from armed boats to transport and heavily armed choppers.

This is not to say that the individual soldier became useless or dull. Battlefield offered five different classes to choose from, each with their unique specialization to suit the need of any battlefield. The individual soldier, if used correctly could also turn the tide of any battle. The satisfaction of sniping the pilot of an enemy chopper was one of the highlights of this game. You got all this from one single video game.

This brings me to Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

The single player campaign follows the struggle of a four soldier [Marlow, Sarge, Sweetwater and Haggard]squad named Bad Company whose mission is to find and destroy a weapon of mass destruction originally developed by the Japanese during WWII and sought after by the Russians in present time. This game features stunning visuals, specially when you first arrive in Bolivia. Mountain ranges [environment as a whole]look and feel very much alive. Adding to the rich visuals, the game provides one of the riches sound experience I have experience within this genre. From the sound of footsteps on snow to the buzzing mosquito's in the Bolivian jungle, the sound quality is stunning. However this is merely the iceberg.

By the time you finish the campaign you should be familiar with most weapons merely by hearing them being fired. I have learned to distinguish which weapon I am being shot with just by ear. Although the campaign is very linear and the script is not well profound, it is enough to get players engaged from one mission to the next. However what makes the campaign more entertaining is the random conversations amongst the bad company squad. From Haggards knowledge of spanglish to their favorite Terminator scene are some of the few conversations that will have you laughing hysterically as you progress in the campaign.

Unlike its PS2 counterpart this game boast many different weapon types with additional support accessories. Weapons available include a variety of assault rifles, sub machine guns, light machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols, rockets, grenades, C4, to name a few and this are only the weapons you can take with you. Throughout the game you will find many stationary weapons from heavy machine gun emplacements to stationary RPG's. To add to the weapons, the vehicles, the different soldier classes and amazing terrain, [as in the first bad company installment] destructible environment puts this FPS in a league of its own. Anything from houses, shacks, wall, barricades to full scale buildings can be brought down with enough firepower.

The online component would need a review of its own but I will say shortly that is an amazing experience on its own aside from the campaign. A player will be addicted to this game in no time and the multiplayer will keep you coming for more.

Be part of bad company.
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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 review

This game immerses you into a beatiful realistic war enviroment. It features a spectacular destruction concept(everything in this game WILL break/fall). I am not much of a campaign guy ,but I did enjoy the little bit i played.

Going to the multiplayer, it is fun but slow. While your alive its pretty fun with the vehicles and huge scaled combat, but respawning is a pain and at first its hard to get kills. Leveling is also really slow. This will keep you entertained for a while.

Overall this game will kept me going for about 20hrs with an enjoyable experience. However, it wore off on me after some time.
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BUY IT ! PLAY IT ! You will not be disappointed !

Bought this product because a friend recommended it as an alternative to the COD series.

I normally don't buy video games when they are first released, (with the exception of MW3 which I just bought on the release day!) because I like to wait out for reviews, bugs etc. as well as the price coming down. Already a huge fan of Black (PS2) I was curious to see what offerings Electronic Arts had in the genre of FPS games for PS3.

I happened across Medal of Honor by EA (DICE/FROSTBITE) on sale at wallyworld and I really liked the game engine and the story line, so I wanted to see what else they had to offer. Needless to say I was not disappointed! Great Game!

I really like the fact that the environment in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is destructible, and you can create new escape routes, new covered firing positions, as well as exposing enemies hidden in cover. Great story line and characters! Weapons are awesome, and ammo can be found at various locations as indicated by the mini-map.

The only con I can describe would be that the contrast in some areas of missions makes enemies hard to see and hit. This may be due to the fact the I cannot see very well without glasses or maybe I need to adjust my TV a bit. Still not worth subtracting a star. I really like this game! At least as good as the COD series (Better?) and FUN to play! I have not yet tried online gaming so I cannot comment on that, but I would recommend this game to anyone who likes first person shooter stuff with a realistic touch. Sound quality is excellent also with very realistic surround effects! Game environment is very realistic and the resolution is great.

I will be getting Battlefield3 as soon as the price comes down a bit.

Just for a little background I am 54yrs old and a Veteran.

Support Our Troops!
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Best FPS for Multiplayer Teamwork

Among the glut of Modern Warfare copycats, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a welcome departure that is familiar enough to sate your shooter appetite, but different in all the right ways. It is a game meant to be enjoyed primarily for its multiplayer component, but if you can appreciate that, you'll get huge replay value out of it.


This is a game that can make deserts look good. Foliage is thick enough to take cover in, and the destructibility of the scenery gives it a vibrant, living vibe. The characters have a vibe of their own, realistic but tinged with a hint of cartoonishness that lends them expressiveness and character. Sounds are memorably crisp and explosions are impactful without being overbearing. Weapon reloads are neither sluggish nor spastic, feeling just right whether in the midst of battle or out of it. Overall, it is good design rather than raw horsepower that carries the day.


Others have described it as "short and sweet". I myself have not been able to bring myself to finish it thus far, having logged at least 12 hours solid in multiplayer. It's an enjoyable and varied experience, and unlike in other reviews, I did not find my AI teammates lacking in helpfulness. They're definitely not babysitting you, but they aren't shooting water pistols either. If you give them a moment to keep up, their wall of lead is a palpable force, especially helpful in higher difficulties. They stay behind you until you get into a firefight, so I didn't feel like I was just tagging along through the story. Oh, and as for the campaign itself, the scenery stays fresh and varied, as do the situations they put you in, and the objectives aren't overly drawn out. So far I've had awesome on-rails sequences with my undercarriage grenade launcher and a helicopter-mounted minigun, and once fought through a blizzard sprinting from one heat source to another to keep from freezing to death. The story is your standard Hollywood fare, not corny or excessive, and spiced with amusing dialogue that's delivered with good voicework.


It's clear that gameplay is designed to push players towards one thing: teamwork. From the beginning, you have the option to join a squad, which allows you to spawn on any of its members. All the classes have a role in helping others. The assault class can dole out ammo resupply kits. Engineers can repair vehicles. Medics heal and revive fallen teammates. Snipers are especially suited for calling and marking targets for others. Granted, some players will not utilize their powers of helpfulness, but it only takes a few to inspire others to be grateful and stick together. If you do find yourself in a squad of diehard lone wolf assaults and snipers, you can change squads. Tactics for achieving objectives are much enhanced by the destructible buildings. There is no bunker, no cover safe from the array of ordnance available on foot and in vehicles. The awe-inspiring power of helicopters is balanced by the skill it takes to pilot them. With the skillful use of a tracer dart pistol, they can be taken down just as quickly. Amazingly, the amount of time it takes to find a game is as long as it takes to load a map. Dedicated servers have virtually eliminated lag except for recent problems that have sporadically lagged all players.

It is important to note that having a VIP code is vital to having a decent variety of maps for multiplayer. It comes with every new game, but costs $15 otherwise.
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