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1 Review


John Cusack is the reason to buy this movie

This is another multiple star-laden movie...as Billy Crystal, John Cusack, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Julia Roberts, Hank Azaria, and Christopher Walken all combine to make an underrated and rather funny movie. As I mentioned in the title, Cusack steals the show as a supposedly deranged soon-to-be ex of Zeta-Jones, who plays the diva role to the hilt...they are Gwen and Eddie,
"America's Sweethearts", who starred in several movies but separated during the filming of their last film...Gwen then took up with her co-star Hector Gorgonzolas(an over the top and very funny Azaria), while Eddie tried to kill them both by driving his motorcycle through a restaurant window while Gwen and Hector were eating there...cut to the present, as the film they made is completed via the producer/director, Hal Weidemann(Walken in a small but important role)...the press junket is initiated by Lee Phillips(Crystal)...and Eddie comes to grips with some interesting feelings about Gwen's mousey but cute sister(Roberts in a wonderfully cool role)...as you watch, make sure you pay close attention to Cusack's portrayal...between Gwen and Eddie, you'll be surprised at whose character actually wins you over...no spoilers here...just get this movie if you can...sit back...and enjoy a romantic comedy that has the chops to make you laugh, although you may never allow a Doberman near you again after you watch it..."America's Sweethearts" is money well spent! One bit of trivia...Alan Arkin has a small part in the beginning as Eddie's spiritual guide/shrink...and if you remember, he and Cusack had the same movie relationship in "Grosse Pointe Blank"...another Cusack vehicle well worth the money...
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