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Location: United StatesMember since: Feb 11, 2007
Reviews (3)
Oct 08, 2012
Same as the first. hollow, pointless, no replay value, no multiplayer. Bad.
Not too long ago I did a review on Crazy Taxi (1), and I have also played through Crazy Taxi 2. I'm giving Crazy Taxi 2 one less star then the first one because it is the first game with a 2 slapped on it. The only thing different about this game is the playable characters and the set list for the music. They took 0 time in improving the flaws and hollowness of the first game. To me that is just plain lazy. When I bought this game I had the basic understanding that it was a fast paced game were you get people from point A to point B under a time limit. Little did I know that was all the game was. There is no story, no campaign mode, no multiplayer, nothing to achieve, and no tutorial. Just like the first game. Driving is actually pretty slow and acceleration takes forever making it a stab to the flow of the game play every time you bump into something. The extra controls are confusing to use and not well explained anywhere throughout the game. The only add on from the first game was that you can jump... oh wow. Revolutionary huh? Again like the first game, the music is the only good of this game. It fits the mood and makes you feel.. well, crazy. This game could have been redeemable with something like a money, car upgrade system, multiplayer aspect, or SOMETHING, but everything you ever do on this game has no beneficial outcome or reward. it will always end in Game Over. The dreamcast had a amazing online system that would have made a excellent feature to Crazy Taxi 2 but they decided to take the easy road and cut it out all together. If you are looking for a fun game to spend your time on, look elsewhere. There are many great games for Dreamcast. This game would be a good addition to a collection and not much more. Maybe if you can get this game for a cheap price it would be worth a try.
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Oct 08, 2012
If you are looking for a fun game to spend your time on, look elsewhere.
When I bought this game I had the basic understanding that it was a fast paced game were you get people from point A to point B under a time limit. Little did I know that was all the game was. There is no story, no campaign mode, no multiplayer, nothing to achieve, and no tutorial. Driving is actually pretty slow and acceleration takes forever making it a stab to the flow of the game play every time you bump into something. The extra controls are confusing to use and not well explained anywhere throughout the game. One good thing about this game would have to be the short but good list of songs by The Offspring witch really brings you back to the early 2000s. This game could have been redeemable with something like a money, car upgrade system, multiplayer aspect, or SOMETHING, but everything you ever do on this game has no beneficial outcome or reward. it will always end in Game Over. If you are looking for a fun game to spend your time on, look elsewhere. There are many great games for Dreamcast. This game would be a good addition to a collection and not much more.
0 of 10 found this helpful
Oct 08, 2012
It feels more dated then it should but, dear god, it is fun.
first im going to get the bad out of the way. Iv played alot of dreamcast games lately and one of them is Unreal Tournament. Games like sonic adventure 1 and 2, Jet Grind Radio, Half Life, and Crazy Taxi, no matter how good or bad the games were they all had one thing in common: They all had amazing graphics and framerate. I wish i could say the same about Unreal but sadly i was disappointed by how pixlated everything was, how bad textures were, and how bad the fraterate got at many points in the game. The worst of all this was the sound effects. Dear god, it sounded like i was playing a SNES or something. The voices from the characters were muffled and impossible to understand. The dreamcast has stereo and amazing sound quality, there is no need for such horridness. Now for the good. If you have freinds and you like shooters, get this game and don't think twice about it. Its got all the features that make Call Of Duty so fun today. This game stands today in multiplayer and should always be remembered. The fun defenetly overpowers the problems in this game. It feels more dated then it should but by god is it fun.