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As a disabled veteran, I am returning to the e-market place, to help supplement my disability payments from the government. I enjoy providing goods & services, and look forward to servicing YOUR needs soon!!
Location: United StatesMember since: Apr 07, 2004
Reviews (2)
Jun 25, 2006
Footloose...Still A Classic
This movie, in my book, is still one of my all time favorites. It spoke to me on several levels. When I was young, I had mover around a to house, as my mom & dad were renters. I know how it is to move to a new area, and have to start over making friends. And yes, sometimes you are just not accepted by some people. I especially loved this movie because it had dancing in it: one thing that I have never been able to master. I have often been awstruck by a good dance movie: whether it was break dancing, hip hop, dirty dancing etc. I respect the people who let it all hang out. Footloose made me feel that even I could be accepted; and even as a dancer. Now as a father myself, I can understand and feel the pain that the preacher must have felt; in trying to protect his only daughter. I understand that as a father, no matter who you are (IE: a preacher), you will make mistakes. Footloose can teach you (if you are listening) that it is never to late to make a change, and do the "right thing". The music that layed the background in this film is also wonderful. It made me thing about all the things I was doing when they came out. Of course, they are real toe tappers in their own right. It has been a month or so since I last saw this film, but I do believe I counted the title track being played (or some segment thereof)somewhere around 7 times from start to finish. That may have been a little over-the-top, but it was not too distracting to take anything away from the movie. This movie shows that if people are willing to compromise, it can be a win-win situation for all concerned parties. Footloose has my vote for one of the all time classic movies: dance or otherwise.
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Nov 20, 2005
The Force Comes Full Circle
The series comes full circle. As a long time fan, I am glad to have had the chance to finally see Anakin make his final turn to "the dark side",(although you can see it coming, especially in esp 2) in this last (?) movie of the series (wasn't there supposed to have been 9 segments in the epic?). Here, confirmed are we (in Yoda's voice), of the true nature of Palpatine (I just KNEW he was the Sith Lord they had been looking for...The Emporer). Is it me, or did Anakin seem bi-polar. One moment he was doing all he can to save his "master's" life (Obie Wan),and the next, he is trying to kill him. In one scene, he is telling Obie Wan how greatful he is for his teachings...then very next scene, he is complaining to Padame about Obie Wan. I guess that is human nature...putting up a front. You know, Anakin...they do have a pill for that....but alas, I digress. I do wish that Anakin was not so "whinney"; but I guess that is how they wished to portray his dissatisfaction. Personally, I don't think I would had him divulge so much to Palpatine, but I don't make millinos of dollars eithor. I have such a desire to learn more about the entire back story as well as the future for the whole Skywalker Clan...but I am not much of a reader (quite impatient), so George: please finish the original series plan of 9. I will look forward to all the "other" work you will be doing (likee bringing a series to TV). Maybe if it all comes to a TV near you, we can buy it on DVD some day as well. As a true fan, I just had to have this latest disk to make my walk to the dark side complete (LOL). I now have all six disks, and many VHS's. I am SURE, it won't stop there eithor: after all, there will be 3D versions (hmmmm), Director's Cuts, Special Releases, and of Course, BOXED SETS yet to buy (sorry honey...I just go to have it). As long as Lucas Films will make it...I will buy it. For strong is the force with this one: unfortunatly the force usually pulls the money right out of my pocket. Oh well...
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