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Location: United StatesMember since: Jan 11, 2003
Reviews (5)
Jun 16, 2010
Listen To The Words That Are Coming Out Of My Mouth
Wow, this movie caught me off guard. It seemed somewhat interesting so I watched it. Definitely a movie to see and talk about, though I was torn with the inappropriate and indecent actions towards a minor. Kate Winslet played her role extremely well, she certainly has range and versatility. "The Reader" is a behind-the-scenes look at the affects people have on our lives. It delves into the question...'I wonder what happened to a person to make them like...'. It brought up many thought-provoking, moving, moral topics but beneath it all, though well disguised, that one prevailing
Mar 23, 2009
Basic Training Here I Come! I Am Not Afraid!
This book is awesome! In researching online what to expect from basic training, I found this book to be up-to-date, thorough, useful and accurate information. I feel like I am now prepared to go to basic training and I know what to expect. It goes over things you need to know, physical training preparation and great information in general. This book is a MUST read if you are going to basic training. Instead of surfing the net looking for information on basic training or worse yet, going unprepared, clueless...its all consolidated in this book, the important things you need to know about basic training. The author also hosts a radio show, a workbook to go along with the guidebook and an online site. I read the book cover to cover, then went to my first drill (Army National Guard) and felt pretty good because the topics that were covered I had already reviewed from the book. Basic I come...I am not afraid!
Mar 12, 2009
Priceless..Wonderful Material for Mastercard Commercial
Priceless is a really cute, fun romantic comedy. I loved the music and Audrey Tautou. She is so beautiful and versatile; she could believably pull off the fantasy of having a man head over heels in love and spending his last dime, or in this case, euro. Her getting caught cheating on her "great uncle" revealed a painful scene of a cut up gold card and the forceful removal of a very nice diamond. I absolutely loved this movie and had to buy it after I saw it the first time! It made light of the sad, yet glamourous life of a professional gold digger and an unassuming, green gigalo who in the end found that one thing that has no material value. Aww, how sweet! Imagine finding love in the glam world of Chanel, diamonds, cavier, expensive champagne and cigars, $30,000 watches, chic boutiques and posh South of France resorts! Wonderful material for a Mastercard commercial! Definitely a must see!
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