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Location: United StatesMember since: Mar 17, 2005
Reviews (7)
Oct 03, 2007
TRUE fans will love Johnny's Last Shows
When I first popped in the DVD, I didn't know what to expect, as often, these videotaped live shows leave a fair bit to be desired in the "Picture Quality" department, and even more so when compared to "OFFICIAL" concert footage from big name rock acts. The audio quality on most though, is usually pretty good, considering the most recent are still 15 years old! Once again, TRUE Johnny Thunders fans will thoroughly enjoy these shows, and Johnny is looking pretty good on most all of it, as well as Allison Gordie!. The DVD, about an hour long, is a "Concert" made up of three shows played in Japan, just a short time before Johnny's untimely passing. The one bad thing is that the song list on the box does not fully match what is actually on the DVD . Several songs that I would have LOVED to seen and heard that that are listed, are not even on the DVD, and a couple are in a different order. Even so,this disc is worth buying, as a snapshot of a TRUE ROCK and ROLL HERO, and his final hurrah, before heading to the exit one last time. As for the price tag, well, in Johnnyspeak: "Whadda want for $20 bucks, ya cheap scumbags!" Johnny, you looked good, sounded even better, and we really miss ya!
1 of 1 found this helpful
Nov 03, 2006
One of the Closet Classics...
This ia a great live show circa 1977 that will delight any punk fan and is a good representative of the energy and raw rock-n-roll that the Dead Boys crammed down the throats of a hungry new scene.We loved the taste! This is well worth your time and effort to acquire. I would have rated this a 5, but instead rated it a 4, because the sound is what might be expected from a 30 year old punk show, recorded in a small club, on who knows what kind of equipment, before the band had achieved their now legendary status. A few adjustments on my Equalizer brought out the sound quite nicely,while filtering out a fair bit of the 'white noise', and made listening to this classic, LOUD!, a true joy. The show itself is awesome, so regarding whether or not to buy/bid on this, in a word..... GOFORIT!!
Aug 27, 2008
It's Only ROCK-n-ROLL, but I LOVE IT!!
In my opinion, this is KISS's BEST recording/album. ALIVE II is great also, but as with many bands their early works are their best, before all the money, chicks, booze-n-stuff, (oh yeah, and MANAGER...ptooey,)alters their focus. If one had NO IDEA that KISS was a make-up laden, blood spewing, glitz-o-matic 'dressing' band, and they only HEARD this album/cd, they would think it ROCKS!! Just turn the volume up to 11 and play "FIREHOUSE" and tell me that S#%T don't ROCK!! This music STILL kicks the CRAP out of the great majority of tripe currently being produced today under the moniker of 'music'. BUT IT and LOVE IT!!