1.3K items sold

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Vintage TRUE WAR STORY Hardcover PARIS UNDERGROUND by Etta Shiber/Scribners1943


PUPPET LADYBUG smooth black body and red wings with black spots, plastic eyes




Vintage CRIME BEAT Magazine 1992+British Newspaper 1972/Insp.For Godfather Movie


Vintage Paperback OFFICIAL ENCY.OF BASEBALL 1963 Edition-Good for Ref


Vintage HISTORY MagazineTHE WINDSOR COLLECTION/Sotheby?s/Duke&Duchof Windsor1987


Vintage Music Concert PROGRAM (1963)ROBERT GOULET His story(up to then)his music


3Vintage1960sDRINKERS PARTYNewSups HappyHourDRINKS/Guy Lombardo/Holidays Food+


Vintage AMERICANA Magazine Nov.1978/MICKEY MOUSE is 50 Cover/American Samplers


2 Vintage CIGARETTE AD Sticker for CAMEL Campaign/(RJ ReynoldsTobacco)I'd Walk A


VintagePolitics Mag LOOK March7,1967 The Dramatic Conclusion THE DEATH OF A PRES


2 Vintage NEWSWEEKs White House Wedding/Johnson Girls+NYT 1965 Mag 1st Family+


Vintage HORROR Paperback WOLVES OF THE DAWN by William Sarabande/Bantam Feb 1987


VintageCOLLECTORS GUIDE Paperback RUGG RATS/Schiffer1999/So Many fun Items


Vintage NEWSWEEK Magazine-Mar24,1969/The ASSASSINS-in depth research/Biafra War


PUPPET SKUNK Soft Smooth BLACK&WHITE w/stripe/Hand Pocket at bottom in back


AFRICAN ART Set of FOUR SPIRIT BALLS etched and painted/(1970?)Approx 2.5"round


Novel Thriller GUNMETAL GRAY by Mark Greaney (Berkley2017 1stED)CIA vs Chinese


Vintage PEOPLE Magazine Dec,1984/25 MOST INTRIGUING PEOPLE OF 1984 & to watch


Vintage LEATHER BELT with Frame Design BRASS BUCKLE The BELT is 2"x37" Leather


HARDCOVER BASEBALL: THE WRITERS GAME by Mike Shannon /Interviews and stories of


Vintage MAGIC Hand Trick MENTAL CHOICE The magician reaches into an envelope and


HORROR Stories Collection: TALES OF EDGAR ALLEN POE (Morrow1991)Illustrated Book


The Haunting of Hip Hop by Bertice Berry/Historical Horror


Vintage LIFE Magazine Mae31, 1972/World Trade Center to OPEN/Court Jackie vs.


Hearing Aid Batteries Box of 10- 4 packs size 312


Vintage Newspaper SUP.The Detroit News Magazine /1981 March29/ OSCAR?S SECRET


Vintage Newspaper Sup Feb2-1975-Eyeglass King DONALD GOLDEN/47 Good Det.Things


Vintage LIFE Magazine Jan11,1963/Detroit Biggest Year-Ann Margret-Tax Cuts Now


Vintage Cookbook BETTY CROCKER?S WAY with CHICKEN(GoldenPress1969)27singlePages


Vintage Newspaper Sup Sept30-1979-Jesus wear leather jacket? Art-RON SCARBOUGH


Vintage Cartoon Paperback HAGAR HITS THE MARK–Best of the Barbarian by Dik Brown


Hardcover Novel JORY FARR MOGULS AND MADMEN-The Pursuit of Power in PopularMusic


Vintage DAYTIME TV June 1981/All My Children Story Bonus:Erica&Brandon/Richard D


Vintage SCI-FI Magazine CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the THIRD KIND/Warren1978/withPoster


KELLIPLUSH KIT KATS kitty cat plush doll White with orange stripes and pink nose


PHOTO Book of INDIA by Michael Cogliantry (2007)Photo Book about a ROAD TRIP


Vintage CELEBRITY Magazine Rona Barrett’s GOSSIP/Aug1976/Nick Nolte-Rich Man Poo


Vintage Cartoon Large Paperback A DILBERT BOOK: Cubical Police by Scott Adams


Newspaper Supplement includes: Henry Fords Tough Guy HARRY BENNETT TellsHIS side


Childrens MAGIC SHOW Items-4 Pamphlets & Misc.Trick Instructions+Promotion info


A Consumer Guide CARS of the 50’s /1997 Special Edition /some production charts


Vintage PEOPLE Magazine Jan.8,1990 Who’s in and Who’s out 1990/Annual ReaderPoll


Vintage STAR WARS–A Story Book by J.J.Gardner-1997 LucasFilmLTD/1997 1st Print


Childrens Hardcover THE PETER RABBIT STORY BOOKIllus by from Original Draws 1935


Vintage London Tabloid THE TATTLER/KENNEDY TRAGEDY-Special Historic Edition!1974


Faithful by Davitt Sigerson


Vintage Animal Figurines DOGS set of 2 BOSTON/Bone China SHIKEN Japan1950s to60s


About us

I'm a long time collector of Vintage Publications and Historical Topics but my collection has grown large and it's time to share it with others. I'll be listing groups of Books, Magazines, Newspapers and unique items in categories ranging from: LIFE Magazine, LOOK Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Hot Rods, Children's Books, Comic Books, D&D Game Books, POPE Newspapers and Magazines, Political Topics including Kennedy, Nixon, Communism and Commentary from different times, Elvis and gosh, so much more. Keep checking the store and email me if you are looking for certain topics and I'll check my stock. Thanks to all my customers!!
Location: United StatesMember since: Jan 27, 2007Seller: bilreads

Seller feedback (692)

  • i***o (3940)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    Well packaged and quickly shipped. Would buy from this seller again!
  • d***a (163)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past year
    Verified purchase
    Both items arrived broken & unusable! The beer steins were wrapped in only one thin piece of wrapping with no additional stuffing in the box to prevent rolling around in transit and the box wasn’t marked as fragile. I messaged the seller but never received a response.
  • a***s (1978)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    Nice, quick, and easy! Great transaction and eBayer! A++!!
  • t***m (17)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Arrived fast and in superb condition. Oh, baby, the Hammer loves it!
  • 7***v (122)- Feedback left by buyer.
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  • n***n (4143)- Feedback left by buyer.
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