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Seller feedback (297)
- 5***l (490)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseIt arrived in two weeks, well packaged and brand new as described with 88% charge. It gives a quiet smooth shave and superior to my previous Philips shaver so happy with this item.
- r***i (907)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchasefast shipping and exactly what I ordered great seller
- 5***5 (577)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseExcellent transaction. Arrived on time. A**** seller.
- r***6 (753)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseLieferung aus China erfolgte im angegebenen Zitfenster. Preis günstig. Erster Rasierertest: leise, sehr gründlich, hautschonend. Kann nichts negatives feststellen. Ein Etui oder Aufbewahrungsbeutel wäre wünschenswert.
- 8***1 (416)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseGreat early delivery,item as description.
- w***w (285)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseSchnelle Lieferung, guter Service