Extraordinary Innovations is a premier retailer of amazing home and lifestyle products. We are the specialty destination for luxury, quality apparel, home accessory, personal care, and mobile items. We only sell items which we believe have the best quality, value, and style.
We promise a world class shopping experience on every item that you purchase from us. Exceeding your expectations and achieving 100% customer satisfaction on every order is our paramount goal.
Location: United StatesMember since: Jan 11, 2018Seller: extraordinaryinnovations
Top Rated SellerExtraordinary Innovations is one of eBay's most reputable sellers. Consistently delivers outstanding customer service Learn more
Great purchase!! Great price!! Great overall transaction!!
1***1 (95)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
This seller really rocks in wrapping his packages. I have not had a package delivered to me so neatly made like this one that I just received. 5 stars. Thank you.
Reply from: extraordinaryinnovations- Feedback replied by seller extraordinaryinnovations.- Feedback replied by seller extraordinaryinnovations.
Thank you so much for your kind words. As a small business, we really do try to pack things with care and ensure that they get to you in an great state! :)
r***6 (2786)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Perfect item - Very well packaged - Fast shipping - Highly recommend!
g***g (116)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Fast to ship, great price
c***i (914)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
The sample perfumes came with crinkled packaging. I won’t be able to share them with others. They were not mailed in a box.
Reply from: extraordinaryinnovations- Feedback replied by seller extraordinaryinnovations.- Feedback replied by seller extraordinaryinnovations.
Hi. I believe we sold a packages of dog treats to you and they were shipped in a box. We didn't sell any perfumes or fragrances to you at all. Sorry for any confusion. Maybe you have us confused with another seller?