COL-INT TECH and VIVTEK INSTRUMENTS is committed to being your reliable supplier in research equipment and supplies. Global shipping is available.
Product Catalog: Ball Mill, Lab Grinder, Lab Crusher, Chemical Reactor, High Pressure Reactor, Autoclave Reactor, Microwave Reactor, Glass Reactor, High Temperature Furnace, Drying Oven, Vacuum Oven, Ceramic Ware, Lab Chiller, Industrial Chiller, Water Bath, Fume Hood, Clean Booth, Freeze Dryer, Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrer, Ice Maker, Pellet Press, Pressing Die, High Speed Mixer, High Speed Disperser, Spray Dryer, Temperature Controller, Vacuum Pump, Vacuum Controller, Ultrasonic Processor, Sonicator
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VivTek is a trade mark of VIVTEK INSTRUMENTS and COL-INT TECH