Very simply I sell digital cards and I will always do everything I can to be cheaper and quicker then anyone else. If there is ever an issue contact me on EBay and I will handle it immediately. If you are unhappy with a price please send an offer or message and we can almost always work something out. I can pull for all the apps.I want to thank everyone who has and does purchase from me. I truly appreciate every one of you. I never imagined how many personal relationships I would make from doing this. If there is anything you need, even if it isn't listed, let me know and I may be able to get it.
Looks like another change. many of you may be seeing Badtuesday's Digital Cards instead of [lai_mik]. Badtuesday is my store name and lai_mik is my user name. Please rest assured it is still me. I also want to thank everyone with their patience... I work full time and coach baseball and soccer.
Location:Â United StatesMember since:Â May 25, 2015Seller:Â lai_mik