Thanks for offering these. They were "New" as described Automation Direct parts still in factory bags. High quality, great value, and were shipped without damage, and their appearance was just like pictures on Ebay.
Fast shipping will save this seller for any other parts we need in the future.
o***k (1114)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Item as Pictured/Described, Shipped Quickly, and Packaged well, Thanks you for a Quality Experience.
p***o (663)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
Verified purchase
Item just as advertised & arrived promptly – would buy again!
s***u (117)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Relatively quick shipping considering the distance. Wrapped well and arrived in great condition. Exactly as described. Great transaction and super helpful after the sell.
m***r (159)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Item as described, fast and safe shipping. No problem at all. Very happy.
3***a (133829)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Ebay reference number given and over-packed as requested. Thank you.