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About us
Astromania is a manufacturer and trader specialized in the research, development and production of astronomical instruments with well-equipped testing facilities and strong technical force.We are professional at supplying products and accessories in the field of optics, such as different kinds of Eyepieces, Eyepieces Bags, Reducer Corrector, Laser Collimator, Color/Solar Filters, Filter Wheels, Finder/Guider Scopes, Guide Scope Mount, Barlow Lens, Telescope Focuser, Off-Axis Guider, Astrophotography Flip Mirror, Stereo Bino Viewer, Night Vision, Telescope CMOS Camera, Reflex Sight, Camera Adapters/Bracket, Suppression Pads and more.Your satisfaction is our service purpose, the company's joint development with customers is our persistent pursuit. We always provide customer with affordable high-quality, full range of products and excellent customer service. Making our customers enjoy astro observation a lot more through our products.