Youth Ice Hockey Skates

Youth Hockey Skates

Companies like Bauer and CCM manufacture skates that are expressly designed for playing hockey. Some of the most well-regarded ice hockey skates for young players are Bauer Vapors, Bauer Supremes, and CMM Tacks.

What distinguishes hockey skates?

Figure skaters and ice hockey players both move on ice, but figure skaters dance while hockey player battle, so the footwear they use is differently engineered. Hockey skates are designed to enable athletes to move quickly in short bursts, whereas figure skates are engineered to facilitate long, gliding movements.

  • Blades: The cutting edges on figure skates are typically longer than the cutting edges on hockey skates. While both figure skates and ice hockey skates sport curved blades, the most pronounced curve in the cutting edges of the former is set near the ball of the foot. The most pronounced curve in ice hockey skates, on the other hand, is set near the middle of the foot.
  • Toe picks: Figure skates are designed with toe picks, which permit skaters to perform jumps. Ice hockey skates do not have toe picks.
  • Boots: Figure skates must provide their wearers with the mobility he or she needs to perform pivots and turns. These boots tend to be made of natural leather. Hockey skates need to protect the foot from injuries, so ice hockey skates are typically made of synthetic leather or plastic.

What’s the difference between youth skates and adult skates?

It’s important to buy ice hockey skates that fit your child well so that he or she will have good ankle support. The primary difference between youth hockey skates and senior hockey skates is the sizing. There’s some variation in sizing between ice hockey skate manufacturers, so a Bauer 7 may not be exactly the same size as a CCM 7. Generally speaking, however, consider buying a hockey skate that’s 1 to 1.5 sizes smaller than your child’s shoe size.

There are three categories of ice hockey skates for youthful players:

  • Youth skates: Youth skates are the right choice for hockey enthusiasts who are 8 years of age or younger. Youth skates come in sizes 2 through 6.5.
  • Junior skates: Junior skates are intended for ice hockey enthusiasts between the ages of 8 and 12.
  • Senior skates: Senior skates are intended for teens. These skates come in 7 and up.

How do you know if youth hockey skates fit correctly?

A youth hockey skate should have a stiffness to the material that will help support the ankle. Can you stick a pencil into the boot near the tongue so that the pencil lies flat against your child’s foot? If so, Lace your child’s boots up, and then stick a finger down the back of the boot. If you can’t slip more than one finger into your child’s boot, the skates fit just right.
