Lab Coats

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Lab Coats

Lab coats are a uniform worn with pride. They distinguish the healthcare professionals from the patients. Here are some things you should consider when purchasing a lab coat.

What is a lab coat?

A lab coat is a unisex, knee-length white coat made of cotton or a polyester cotton blend. It protects the wearer’s skin and street clothes from hazardous spills. It is the standard uniform for a scientist or a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse, surgeon, pharmacist, medical student, and X-ray technician.

What lab coat should you buy for a medical office?

A lab coat for the office should provide comfort and endure all-day wear. It should withstand walking, bending, and crouching. It should have reinforced seams, bar tacks, and triangulated stitching at all of the stress points. You should pick one that contains Teflon to prevent staining and help the coat stay white longer.

Are there lab coats more suitable for women?

Cotton is not only comfortable, but it gives women a nice silhouette.

What type of coats should you buy for lab work?

The first priority should be protection. The coat should be fire-retardant and provide chemical-splash protection. The fabric should be lightweight and breathable. The sleeves should be long enough to cover the arms and wrists.

What types of front closures are available on the market?

A secure closure ensures that the coats do not easily come open while working. Most lab coats have button closures. There are some models on the market that have snap front closures, allowing the wearer to easily and quickly put on and remove the coat.

What special features are available?

One special feature is pockets. The coat should provide ample storage space for holding essentials. Another special feature is knit cuffs. Most have the standard open cuff. Knit cuffs provide extra safety benefits. They prevent fluids from running down your arms. They also prevent your sleeves from getting in the way.

How many do you need?

It is recommended that you buy two or three if you are wearing one every day. If you only have one coat and experience a spill, you will need time to clean it and get it ready for the next time you wear it. Some coats can be machine washed while others need to be professionally cleaned. If you buy more than one, you can easily recycle them instead of wearing the same one every day.

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