Table Of Content
Part I Overview of Nursing Research and Its Role in Evidence-Based Practice Chapter 1 Introducing Nursing Research for Evidence-Based Practice Chapter 2 Understanding Key Concepts and Steps in Quantitative and Qualitative Research Chapter 3 Reading and Critically Appraising Research Articles Chapter 4 Attending to Ethics in Research Part 2 Preliminary Steps in Qualitative and Quantitative Research Chapter 5 Identifying Research Problems, Research Questions, and Hypotheses Chapter 6 Finding and Reviewing Research Evidence in the Literature Chapter 7 Understanding Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks Part 3 Designs and Methods for Qualitative and Quantitative Nursing Research Chapter 8 Appraising Quantitative Research Design Chapter 9 Appraising Sampling and Data Collection in Quantitative Studies Chapter 10 Appraising Qualitative Designs and Approaches Chapter 11 Appraising Sampling and Data Collection in Qualitative Studies Chapter 12 Understanding Mixed Methods Research, Quality Improvement, and Other Special Types of Research Part 4 Analysis, Interpretation, and Application of Nursing Research Chapter 13 Understanding Statistical Analysis of Quantitative Data Chapter 14 Interpreting Quantitative Findings and Evaluating Clinical Significance Chapter 15 Understanding the Analysis of Qualitative Data Chapter 16 Appraising Trustworthiness and Integrity in Qualitative Research Chapter 17 Learning from Systematic Reviews Chapter 18 Putting Research Evidence into Practice: Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence Appendix A Swenson et al., Parents' Use of Praise and Criticism in a Sample of Young Children Seeking Mental Health Services Appendix B Beck and Watson, Posttraumatic Growth After Birth Trauma Appendix C Bail et al., Cancer-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Intervention Adherence Among Breast Cancer Survivors Appendix D Wilson et al., A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Individualized Preoperative Education Intervention for Symptom Management After Total Knee Arthroplasty Critical Appraisal of Wilson and Colleagues' Study Glossary Index
The world's most widely used nursing research textbook, Essentials of Nursing Research , Tenth Edition equips students with everything they need to confidently apply research to nursing practice. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck clarify the language of nursing research and instill a practical understanding of nursing research fundamentals and the research process for both quantitative and qualitative studies -- including design principles; sampling and data collection; criteria for assessing data quality; appraising the quality, rigor, and trustworthiness of studies; and approaches to understand the statistical results. This updated edition incorporates the latest clinical insights and approaches to research to familiarize students with increasingly important considerations in today's nursing practice, including the involvement of patients and stakeholders in translating research evidence to local settings; the appraisal of not only the rigor of research designs and methods but also the relevance and applicability of practice-based evidence; and the effective use of research in local quality improvement (QI) projects. UPDATED! New organization simplifies the presentation of complex topics and better facilitates the use of research evidence in nursing practice. Clear, approachable writing makes difficult ideas easily digestible, even to students with no prior knowledge of technical terms. Critical Appraisal Guidelines walk students through studies and highlight aspects amenable to evaluation by research consumers . Research Examples and Critical Thinking Exercises emphasize important points and sharpen students' critical thinking skills. Tips help students confidently translate abstract notions of research methods into concrete applications. Colorful tables, figures, and examples engage students' attention and reinforce their understanding. Chapter Objectives emphasize essential information in each chapter. Key Terms familiarize students with common research terms. Bulleted Summary Points highlight key takeaways at a glance., Updated to reflect the latest innovations in research methods, this worldwide bestseller helps students learn how to read and critically appearaise research reports, speak the language of nursing research, and develop an appreciation of research to enhance nursing practice. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck clearly and concisely present research essentials, dig into the research steps, and explore quantitative and qualitative research to ignite student curiosity and encourage students to pursue a professional pathway that incorporates thoughtful and effective appraisals of evidence., Updated to reflect the latest innovations in research methods, this worldwide bestseller helps you learn how to confidently read and critically appraise research reports, speak the language of nursing research, and develop an appreciation of research to enhance nursing practice. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck clearly and concisely present research essentials, dig into the research steps, and explore quantitative and qualitative research to ignite your curiosity and guide you in the pursuit of thoughtful and effective appraisals of evidence. Updated! Research insight reflect the latest, most relevant considerations for today's evolving nursing practice, including new coverage of quality improvement (QI) projects, clinical significance, comparative effectiveness research (CER), and systematic reviews. Updated! New organization simplifies the presentation of complex topics and better facilitates the use of research evidence in nursing practice. Clear, approachable writing makes difficult ideas easily digestible, even to readers with no prior knowledge of technical terms. Critical Appraisal Guidelines walk you through studies and highlight aspects amenable to evaluation by research consumers. Research Examples and Critical Thinking emphasize important points and sharpen your critical thinking skills. Tips help you confidently translate abstract notions of research methods into concrete applications. Colorful tables, figures, and examples engage your attention and reinforce your understanding. Chapter Objective emphasize essential information in each chapter. Key Terms familiarize you with common research terms. Bulleted Summary Points highlight key takeaways at a glance. Lippincott® CoursePoint improves nursing students' critical thinking skills and helps them develop strong clinical judgment to prepare for practice. Lippincott CoursePoint is a powerfully integrated digital learning solution that combines learning tools, real-time data, and the most trusted education content on the market to make curriculum-wide learning more efficient and to meet students where they're at in their learning. Book jacket.