Office Cubicles & Systems Furniture

Office Cubicles and Systems Furniture

Do you dream of revamping your office space into a more functional, enjoyable area? Are you looking for storage solutions for product inventory while seeking to maintain an office environment that every worker can utilize effectively? Office cubicles of every kind create options to solve employer dilemmas of workstations to put new hires in, ways to increase staff satisfaction, and configurations that maximize office efficiency.

Are office cubicles one-size-fits-all?

No. CNN describes how the average size of an office cubicle has decreased from 90 square feet in 1994 down to 75 square feet by 2010. Your choice of office cubicle size and layout will depend upon your unique needs. Here are some things to consider when deciding where to invest your money in office space:

  • Layout - A U-shaped office cubicle offers the most functional workspace per square inch. Do your staff members work alone at times and together at others? The office environment could include tables for cooperative functions while providing individual worker office area in cubicles for more concentrated tasks. How long and wide of an office desk is necessary for the type of work they do?
  • Divider - How high of partition is necessary between employee workstations? Do you need visibility into office cubicles for accountability to customers while protecting privacy?
  • Storage - Does each office cubicle need to include a file cabinet, shelving, or product storage cabinets?
  • OSHA standards - OSHA requires employers to provide room for entry, exit, and working comfortably for staff.
How do you choose an office cubicle to buy?

Every company owner who is in the market for office solutions with cubicle installation needs to have an understanding of their own building space limitations, budget constrictions, and staff seating requirements. Are your business demands so unique that office space will need input from a designer for custom materials? Can a modular cubicle effectively update the current space? Consider:

  • Brands - Haworth, Herman Miller, Steelcase, Knoll, Allsteel, and Friant are all experienced manufacturers of functional workplace cubicles.
  • Materials - Wooden, steel, fabric, laminate surfaces are all available for panels. Do you prefer wooden or steel desks? Do cloth chairs serve well?
  • Used versus new - Preowned, refurbished office cubicles are often very high quality at a fraction of the investment required for new cubicles.
  • Furniture - Can you continue to use current office furniture, i.e. chairs, desks, and cabinets, or would new furniture function better? Is the office furniture ergonomic?
  • Electronics access - Do the panels in the cubicles allow access for electronic cords? Does the desk area include space for PC monitors, telephones, and a keyboard?
What unusual things should you remember about cubicles?

Cubicles can enhance concentration for staff members while on the job without completely alienating anyone. It is also possible for each cubicle to be used by more than one company employee on different shifts. Furniture must be able to accommodate multiple users. Used office furniture can save money compared to new. Partitions can offer bulletin board space for employees to keep important memos or to decorate for personalizing the work area.