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2 PA Shower Head Filter Cartridge 15 Stage Chlorine Hard Water Softener Purifier
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My city has constant water issues. Ive developed some medical issues due to the water. I use these with my shower head filter. I will not take a shower without one installed. We also have hard water that cause some damage to our hair and these helped with that issue. It seems to filter the water pretty good. Helps with the water discoloration and stuff. These have been a necessity in my house.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Ok so when I first got this Universal Shower Filter, it worked the first day then after that, the water was coming out with hardly any pressure so I took it out and let water flush on it for a few minutes and put it back in the shower head case and it worked for another 10 minutes then the same problem again with the pressure. I got in contact with the seller and explained the situation to him and he sent me another filter. This time I let the water run on it on both sides for about 4-5 minutes each side and when I put the filter in, it was worked for 2 showers and then the same problem started happening again with the pressure. I took it out and let the water run on this filter again and once more, it worked one time and that was it. I took the filter out and put the shower head back with no filter this time and low and behold, the water pressure was strong as before I put the filter back so when I put it back in the shower head case the same thing was happening AGAIN! It is doing this with BOTH filters so now I know it's the filters that is not letter the water come out with full pressure and I even went and bought a brand new shower head and NOPE it's not that either it's the filters. I now have to go and look for a good universal shower filter that doesn't give me this problem. I guess you get what you pay for ($13 here on eBay) and now I have to look for a filter that does not give me this problem. Stay away from Universal Shower Filter here, it's not worth it.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have well water so I have to have a filter for my shower or my blonde hair ends up red because of the iron that’s also in it. I can always tell when my filter needs replaced because my skin will get so dry and itchy and no matter how much I spend on products they won’t work because of the hard water. The same with my hair, gets really frizzy and unmanageable even though I usually have nice hair. It’s crazy how water can do such crazy things to your skin and hair. I’ve spent a lot of money on shower filters and couldn’t believe that this would work because it was so adorable and got it home and it actually worked so now I’m going to buy one for every bathroom in the house and probably some for family. Thank you so much for making this!!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I get these regularly for my shower since im on a well system, they work great! They make the water less "hard" and dont leave my skin and hair itching after a shower. It comes with everything you need to install an even includes a full roll of Teflon tape! Id highly recommend. They arrived in about a day and a half. --- be sure to run water through it for 20 seconds or until water is clear *BEFORE* installing showerhead to flush loose particles out. They will clog your showerhead if you dont!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Environmental scientist here. I've had two of these now in two different cities. I was having a slight itchy skin issue due to city treated water (there's some very minor left over chemical products in the treated water that I manage to react to). Installing this solved the problem. It's a relatively simple thing. It just has the water go through granulated activated carbon, just like many other water filters. Including the ones I use for environmental remediation. But hey, it works. Thanks for making this.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Works great the water in our town drys me out so bad and my granddaughter had one of these and she recommended it to me. I can tell a difference in my skin already
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
quick and easy fix to hot water smell from using well water. like the fact that it has multiple layers of filtration. wished it came in brushed nickle to match my shower head.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is the first time using the filter. So far my hair has been soft and no clorine smell is evident. Time will tell on how long the filter will last. My last filter was prone to leakage but it had replaceable cartridges to insert. This filter is hard take apart to remove the filter insert. I will replace the whole filter, and it can be easily done by hand, No tools required!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have an 10 months kid and every time we doing bath he is drinking water. I decided to buy this filter so now water would be more clean. You even can feel that the quality of water is changed and thats a good point! I didn`t know that these kind of filters are even exist, but i really happy I found this one. Enjoying it so far
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The well water where I live is by far the worst quality I have ever delt with. This shower water filter removes the smell, and affords me a much healthier experience. The difference between my shower water and that of my bathroom sink faucet is extreme. I don't know how long it will last before I need to replace it, but I will not hesitate to purchase another one of these.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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