Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software

Push Your Car to its Fullest Potential With Engine Tuning Software

Car lovers and hobbyists have long held a desire to increase the performance of their cars, and with the increasing computerisation of cars over the last number of years, a novel way has emerged to do this. A car's ECU, or engine control unit, which controls crucial performance features of the engine, can be modified or optimised via certain kinds of car tuning software, essentially allowing you to tune up your car electronically. eBay offers a variety of different kinds of affordable car tuning software for sale.

What can car tuning software do?

Car tuning software can tweak or upgrade potentially any part of your car's performance, depending on how it's used. Mostly, such software connects to your car's ECU and allows you to change various features through a computer interface. Other than the ECU, however, they can also be used to regulate and change your car's EGR, DTC, and DPF if your car uses a diesel engine.

ECU tuning software brands and the engines they work with

Here are some of the brands of ECU tuning software commonly available on eBay:

  • ECM Titanium
  • MS3Pro
  • Bluespark
  • Kess
  • Cobb

Generally, the eBay listings for each particular new or used automotive tuner will list the kinds of engines on the tuning software in question is meant to work. Compatibility is assessed on the basis of engine type and model rather than the car model, so make sure that you know exactly what type of engine your car has before you choose a software package to buy. In a few cases, though, you'll find software that is specifically designed for certain car marques like Audi, BMW, Ford, Lexus, Mazda, or Jeep.

Accessories included with car tuning software

In addition to the software package itself, there are some crucial accessories that you'll need to make sure that your software can properly interface with your car's ECU or other computerised systems. Here are just some of them:

  • OBD2 adaptor cables: These cables are what allow you to connect your car's engine and ECU to your computer, automotive programmer, or other devices that you'll use for tuning your car.
  • Chip tuning boxes: In many ways, these are portable versions of ordinary vehicle tuning software. However, they're typically only used to provide nitro power to an engine rather than any kind of more fine-grained tuning. They are also much more frequently meant for diesel than petrol engines.

Many of the accessories just mentioned come included in packages along with your car tuning software, but it is also possible to purchase them separately in case you require some other kinds of add-ons not included in your package or if any of the ones you already have need to be replaced.