Commercial Food Storage Containers & Lids

Commercial Food Storage Containers

Running a restaurant or commercial food business requires proper food storage. Choosing quality containers that meet the needs of your business will not only be beneficial for you, but also for your customers. There are a variety of different types of food-storing options that could help you run a successful endeavor.

How do proper food storage containers help?

When you are storing food and ingredients for commercial purposes, such as for a restaurant or establishment, proper storage containers could be useful for several reasons:

  • Safety: Keeping food stored properly will help keep it clean. Proper storage can also prevent cross-contamination and reduce food handling.
  • Efficiency: Pans, ingredient bins, and pans can allow your employees to work more quickly and get food out to customers in a timely manner.
  • Freshness: Proper food-storing supplies will help keep your ingredients fresher for longer.
What containers are used for back-of-house food storage?

Chefs and line workers use a variety of containers in the back of the house to store food. The types of storage options include the following:

  • Food boxes: Boxes are often used for dough. They allow prepped dough to be stored and stacked so that they are ready for use. Dough boxes with lids can also help to increase shelf life.
  • Food pails: These storage supplies are often used to store vegetable ends, marinades, brines, and sauces. They can often be stacked. They even come in a variety of different colors to prevent cross-contamination and lids so that they can keep prepared foods fresh.
  • Food pans: Pans can be used in both prep areas and out in the restaurant to present salad bar items or other foods. They can handle a temperature range of -40 degrees to 210 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Food organizers: These food storage organizers come in a range of sizes and shapes. They can be used to organize ingredients that may require freezing or refrigeration.
  • Ingredient bins: These are used to store dry ingredients so that they are readily accessible. Lids can be popped on top of them for quick cleanup. They can also be used to store bulk items like grains and vegetables.
  • Vegetable crispers: These bins are self-contained units with a drain faucet at the bottom. They help produce keep their flavors and textures.
What materials are food storage containers made from?

Containers designed to store food can be made from a variety of materials depending on your needs, including the following:

  • Plastic: These polyethylene pails, pans, and lids are food-safe and resistant to stains. They can be used for storing dry materials, refrigerated materials, and even frozen materials.
  • Plastic with polysulfone: These bins and associated lids are able to handle temperatures of up to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Glass: Translucent in appearance, these food storage supplies and lids are 100% BPA free. They can also withstand temperatures from -40 degrees to 160 degrees Fahrenheit.