Lays Stax Sour Cream & Onion Potato Crisps 5.5 Oz

Indulge in the irresistible taste of Lay's Stax Sour Cream & Onion Potato Crisps. These crispy and flavorful chips are perfect for satisfying your snack cravings anytime, anywhere. Made from premium quality potatoes, this container of Lay's Stax is packed with the tangy and savory flavor of sour cream and onion. Enjoy these mouth-watering chips as a snack or pair them with your favorite dip for an even more delicious experience. With one 5.5 oz container of Lay's Stax, you can indulge in the perfect amount of crunch and flavor. Add these chips to your pantry and enjoy them whenever you need a tasty and satisfying snack.