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Get Essential Components of X-ray Equipment

X-ray machines are useful as diagnostic tools in both medical and non-medical settings. These machines are essential for hospitals and dental offices and are also used in various other commercial and industrial enterprises. Incorporating additional new or pre-owned x-ray equipment can enhance the general use of the machines in many ways.

How do x-ray machines work?

X-ray machines use x-rays to produce images of non-metallic objects. Most often, these machines are used with human body parts, such as tissue and organs. The x-rays are a type of light ray, much like the visible rays of light you can see but with different wavelengths. The human eye cannot see radio waves, which have longer lengths, or x-rays, which have shorter lengths. The machine produces a concentrated stream of electrons that have x-ray photons. These photons travel through the air, and when they contact body tissues, they produce an image.

What are x-ray machines used for?

X-ray machines are most commonly used for bone scans to check for broken bones. They can also be used for many other medical purposes such as looking for breast cancer, scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine), pneumonia, and dental issues. X-ray machines are also used for non-medical purposes such as security scans, biological imaging, and checking for counterfeit art pieces.

What types of additional x-ray equipment pieces are available?

Along with the standard equipment that comes with x-ray machines, additional equipment that you can buy on eBay can often be added to either enhance the overall use of the machines or replace existing parts:

  • Cameras - There is a multitude of various portable cameras that can be used in conjunction with x-ray machines. Often, these are small digital cameras that are used in dentist offices for dental scans.
  • X-ray markers - X-ray markers are used to mark x-ray films in hospitals and in industrial workplaces. They are placed on radiographic films to mark the areas of the body that have been scanned and will often have the date of the scan and the patient's name. They have a right and a left letter and have the radiographer's initials.
  • Sensors - Additional portable sensors can be added to x-ray machines for a more extended use of the machine. These sensors are often high-resolution and digital.
  • Film - While many x-ray machines transmit images to display screens and monitors, there will often be a need for a physical print of the image. X-ray film is required for these types of physical images.