Chicken Backyard Poultry Houses/Coops

Enjoy Fresh Eggs Every Morning With Your Own Chicken Backyard Poultry Houses and Coops

Chicken backyard poultry houses and coops are now almost as common as gardens. With preparation and some basic equipment, you and your family can enjoy farm fresh eggs every morning just like many enjoy homegrown fruits, vegetables, and spices in urban and suburban neighborhoods. All you need is a comfortable poultry house and a few laying hens.

Are chicken coops expensive?

Like most manufactured animal habitats, the new and pre-owned backyard coops on eBay come in a variety of styles, sizes, and prices. It's not uncommon to discover previously owned or bargain priced models for around $100 USD. Conversely, custom built or high-end coops can cost upwards of $800 USD. While there is no 'hard and fast' rule for coops, the following features may impact pricing:

  • Size: Most coops are at least 65 inches in height, but some larger coops are upwards of 100 inches in height. This will give your hens more room to nest comfortably.
  • Number of nesting boxes: The more nesting boxes a coop contains, the more chickens you are able to house, so expect to pay more for additional boxes.
  • Roof style: Some coops include a roof planter, which allows you to grow food for your chickens right in their own sustainable habitat.
  • Number of doors: Having two or more doors makes it easier to gather eggs without unduly disturbing your birds.
How many nesting boxes should you use?

That depends on how many hens you want to own. Animal safety experts general agree on the following guidelines:

  • Three or less chickens- one box
  • Four to six chickens- two boxes
  • Seven to ten chickens- three boxes
  • More than ten chickens- custom coop
How do you clean a coop?

If you decide to purchase a plastic coop, it can be easily hosed down and allowed to air dry. Wooden coops need more attention. After removing your birds, hose down the coop floor. Disinfect the area using bleach or a specially formulated cleaner. Next, sprinkle a layer of diatomaceous earth on the floor to absorb excess moisture before putting down fresh hay or wood shavings. For best results, set aside time to clean your coop on a monthly basis.