Nuts & Seeds

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Buy Nuts and Seeds Efficiently on eBay Without Going Nuts

It seems that most people buy nuts and seeds from brick-and-mortar stores and do not think about how practical it would be to purchase them online. You'll find a wide selection here, and it makes more sense to take your time to browse and see all your choices before making a decision. So, grab a cup of coffee or tea, kick back, and look at what eBay has to offer.

What varieties of nuts can you find on eBay?

It should be easy to find your favorites since the choices include frequently seen types like peanuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and pecans as well as:

  • Brazil
  • Macadamia
  • Pine nuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Mixed nuts in different combinations
  • Organic
  • Salted, unsalted, honey-roasted, or raw nuts
  • Candied with flavors like chocolate and caramel
What are some seeds that are available?

The selection of seeds is also extensive, including:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Poppy seeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Soybeans to use for tofu, soy milk, or to grow bean sprouts
How can you tell if nuts and seeds are GMO?

Many foods and consumables in our era have the potential to be GMOs (genetically modified organisms). These are products that have been modified in some way by introducing the genes from one species into the genes of another to obtain a desired trait or characteristic.

However, if you are seeking organic nuts or seeds that are non-GMO, look for that designation as you read the descriptions of the many varieties of nuts available.

What else do you need to consider when shopping for nuts and seeds?

Once you have decided on the variety of nuts or seeds you would like, there are more decisions to make. There is a wide range of choices. Here are some examples:

  • More than 30 brand names to choose from
  • Food specifications such as non-GMO, sugar-free, raw or roasted seeds, kosher, vegan, vegetarian, no MSG, color/dye-free, low carb, or nut-free (for seeds and soybeans)
  • Chopped, whole, ground, desiccated, or stoned
How are the products measured for sale?

Most listings indicate the weight of the package. Most packages are pre-sealed, and the package is priced according to the weight of the product within. However, there are some listings that offer the sale at a per-pound price. You can choose just how many pounds of that particular nut or seed you need.