Girls' Formal Wear

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Girls' Formal Wear

There are a few events that would make it necessary for girls to wear formal clothing. These include religious celebration, weddings, official parties, and holidays. Finding the right dress for the right event is key to fitting in and feeling confident.

What is girls’ formal wear?

Formal and casual dresses are significantly different. A formal dress can be short or princess-style to suit specific occasions. They can be classified into these categories:

  • Flower girl dress - The bride usually determines the style of the flower girl dress.
  • Religious girl dress - Religious institutions have guidelines on the types of dress girls should wear. The instructions vary. However, adherents are generally required to wear dresses that go below the knee. Also, girls typically need to wear dresses with sleeves when going to places of worship.
  • Special occasions- Family or national celebrations don’t usually have strict rules on what girls can wear. That being said, many people choose to lean on the conservative side for these types of events.
How should you choose a flower girl dress?

The flower girl dress is traditionally chosen by the woman getting married. As the bride, you can decide to match the flower girl dress with your own. Alternatively, you can match the flower girl dress to the bridesmaid’s dress. It is usually a good idea to get feedback from the flower girls since you don’t want to force them into a dress they dislike.

The material used to make the dress should be soft so the girls don’t get itchy or uncomfortable. Satin makes ideal flower girl dresses. For even more comfort, you should make sure the dress doesn’t have tight waists or seams. Lace dresses can hold securely while allowing the girls to take part in high-energy activities.

How should you choose the length of the dress?

The length of the dress is determined by the age of the child. If she is very young, consider going with a tea-length dress. This is because young girls can easily trip if they wear very long dresses. However, if the girl is old enough, she might wear a longer dress since these look a lot more formal. It is advisable to get a dress with secure necklines and straps.

What can you wear to a formal party?

Besides weddings, girls may have to attend formal parties. In such events, you can choose to wear a dress or skirt made using thick fabric. Lace dresses are especially encouraged for formal parties since they look elegant and classy. Light tops are acceptable, especially if you also wear a cardigan or blazer.