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Pokemon 151 CHOOSE YOUR CARD! Reverse Holo, EX, Ultra Rare, Hyper Rare, etc. NEW

US $1.29
Ungraded - Near mint or better
Snorlax Promo SVP 051 (Out of stock)
Bulbasaur - 001/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Ivysaur - 002/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Venusaur ex - 003/165 (Out of stock)
Charmander - 004/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Charmeleon - 005/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Charizard ex - 006/165 (Out of stock)
Squirtle - 007/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Wartortle - 008/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Blastoise ex - 009/165 (Out of stock)
Caterpie - 010/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Metapod - 011/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Butterfree - 012/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Weedle - 013/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Kakuna - 014/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Beedrill - 015/165 Reverse Hol... (Out of stock)
Beedrill - 015/165 Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Pidgey - 016/165 Reverse Holo
Pidgeotto - 017/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Pidgeot - 018/165 Reverse Holo
Rattata - 019/165 Reverse Holo
Raticate - 020/165 Reverse Holo
Spearow - 021/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Fearow - 022/165 Reverse Holo
Ekans - 023/165 Reverse Holo
Arbok ex - 024/165 (Out of stock)
Pikachu - 025/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Raichu - 026/165 Reverse Holo ... (Out of stock)
Raichu - 026/165 Holo Rare
Sandshrew - 027/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Sandslash - 028/165 Reverse Holo
Nidoran F - 029/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Nidorina - 030/165 Reverse Holo
Nidoqueen - 031/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Nidoran M - 032/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Nidorino - 033/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Nidoking - 034/165 Holo Rare
Nidoking - 034/165 Reverse Hol... (Out of stock)
Clefairy - 035/165 Reverse Holo
Clefable - 036/165 Reverse Holo
Vulpix - 037/165 Reverse Holo
Ninetales ex - 038/165 (Out of stock)
Jigglypuff - 039/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Wigglytuff ex - 040/165 (Out of stock)
Zubat - 041/165 Reverse Holo
Golbat - 042/165 Reverse Holo
Oddish - 043/165 Reverse Holo
Gloom - 044/165 Reverse Holo
Vileplume - 045/165 Reverse Ho...
Vileplume - 045/165 Holo Rare
Paras - 046/165 Reverse Holo
Parasect - 047/165 Reverse Holo
Venonat - 048/165 Reverse Holo
Venomoth - 049/165 Reverse Holo
Diglett - 050/165 Reverse Holo
Dugtrio - 051/165 Reverse Holo
Meowth - 052/165 Reverse Holo
Persian - 053/165 Reverse Holo
Psyduck - 054/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Golduck - 055/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Mankey - 056/165 Reverse Holo
Primeape - 057/165 Reverse Holo
Growlithe - 058/165 Reverse Holo
Arcanine - 059/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Poliwag - 060/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Poliwhirl - 061/165
Poliwrath - 062/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Abra - 063/165 Reverse Holo
Kadabra - 064/165 Reverse Holo
Alakazam ex - 065/165 (Out of stock)
Machop - 066/165 Reverse Holo
Machoke - 067/165
Machamp - 068/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Machamp - 068/165 Holo Rare
Bellsprout - 069/165 Reverse Holo
Weepinbell - 070/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Victreebel - 071/165 Reverse Holo
Tentacool - 072/165 Reverse Holo
Tentacruel - 073/165 Reverse Holo
Geodude - 074/165 Reverse Holo
Graveler - 075/165 Reverse Holo
Golem ex - 076/165 (Out of stock)
Ponyta - 077/165 Reverse Holo
Rapidash - 078/165 Reverse Holo
Slowpoke - 079/165 Reverse Holo
Slowbro - 080/165 Reverse Holo
Magnemite - 081/165 Reverse Holo
Magneton - 082/165 Reverse Holo
Farfetch'd - 083/165 Reverse Holo
Doduo - 084/165 Reverse Holo
Dodrio - 085/165 Reverse Holo ... (Out of stock)
Dodrio - 085/165 Holo Rare
Seel - 086/165 Reverse Holo
Dewgong - 087/165 Reverse Holo
Grimer - 088/165 Reverse Holo
Muk - 089/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Shellder - 090/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Cloyster - 091/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Gastly - 092/165 Reverse Holo
Haunter - 093/165 Reverse Holo
Gengar - 094/165 Reverse Holo ... (Out of stock)
Gengar - 094/165 Holo Rare
Onix - 095/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Drowzee - 096/165 Reverse Holo
Hypno - 097/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Krabby - 098/165 Reverse Holo
Kingler - 099/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Voltorb - 100/165 Reverse Holo
Electrode - 101/165 Reverse Ho... (Out of stock)
Electrode - 101/165 Holo Rare
Exeggcute - 102/165 Reverse Holo
Exeggutor - 103/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Cubone - 104/165 Reverse Holo
Marowak - 105/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Marowak - 105/165 Holo Rare
Hitmonlee - 106/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Hitmonchan - 107/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Lickitung - 108/165 Reverse Holo
Koffing - 109/165 Reverse Holo
Weezing - 110/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Weezing - 110/165 Holo Rare
Rhyhorn - 111/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Rhydon - 112/165 Reverse Holo
Chansey - 113/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Chansey - 113/165 Holo Rare
Tangela - 114/165 Reverse Holo
Kangaskhan ex - 115/165 (Out of stock)
Horsea - 116/165 Reverse Holo
Seadra - 117/165 Reverse Holo
Goldeen - 118/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Seaking - 119/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Staryu - 120/165 Reverse Holo
Starmie - 121/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Starmie - 121/165 Holo Rare
Mr. Mime - 122/165 Reverse Hol...
Mr. Mime - 122/165 Holo Rare
Scyther - 123/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Jynx ex - 124/165 (Out of stock)
Electabuzz - 125/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Magmar - 126/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Pinsir - 127/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Tauros - 128/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Magikarp - 129/165 Reverse Holo
Gyarados - 130/165 Reverse Hol... (Out of stock)
Gyarados - 130/165 Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Lapras - 131/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Ditto - 132/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Eevee - 133/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Vaporeon - 134/165 Reverse Hol... (Out of stock)
Vaporeon - 134/165 Holo Rare
Jolteon - 135/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Jolteon - 135/165 Holo Rare
Flareon - 136/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Flareon - 136/165 Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Porygon - 137/165 Reverse Holo
Omanyte - 138/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Omastar - 139/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Omastar - 139/165 Holo Rare
Kabuto - 140/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Kabutops - 141/165 Reverse Hol... (Out of stock)
Kabutops - 141/165 Holo Rare
Aerodactyl - 142/165 Reverse H... (Out of stock)
Aerodactyl - 142/165 Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Snorlax - 143/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Articuno - 144/165 Reverse Hol... (Out of stock)
Articuno - 144/165 Holo Rare
Zapdos ex - 145/165 (Out of stock)
Moltres - 146/165 Reverse Holo... (Out of stock)
Moltres - 146/165 Holo Rare
Dratini - 147/165 Reverse Holo
Dragonair - 148/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Dragonite - 149/165 Reverse Ho... (Out of stock)
Dragonite - 149/165 Holo Rare
Mewtwo - 150/165 Reverse Holo ... (Out of stock)
Mewtwo - 150/165 Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Mew ex - 151/165 (Out of stock)
Antique Dome Fossil - 152/165 ... (Out of stock)
Antique Helix Fossil - 153/165... (Out of stock)
Antique Old Amber - 154/165 Re... (Out of stock)
Big Air Balloon - 155/165 Reve... (Out of stock)
Bill's Transfer - 156/165 Reve... (Out of stock)
Cycling Road - 157/165 Reverse... (Out of stock)
Daisy's Help - 158/165 Reverse... (Out of stock)
Energy Sticker - 159/165 Rever... (Out of stock)
Erika's Invitation - 160/165 R... (Out of stock)
Giovanni's Charisma - 161/165 ... (Out of stock)
Grabber - 162/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Leftovers - 163/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Protective Goggles - 164/165 R... (Out of stock)
Rigid Band - 165/165 Reverse Holo (Out of stock)
Charmander Illustration Rare 1... (Out of stock)
Wartortle Illustration Rare 17... (Out of stock)
Caterpie Illustration Rare 172... (Out of stock)
Pikachu Illustration Rare 173/165 (Out of stock)
Psyduck Illustration Rare 175/165 (Out of stock)
Poliwhirl Illustration Rare 17... (Out of stock)
Mr. Mime Illustration Rare 179... (Out of stock)
Omanyte Illustration Rare 180/165 (Out of stock)
Dragonair Illustration Rare 18... (Out of stock)
Arbork ex Full Art 185/165 (Out of stock)
Ninetales ex Full Art 186/165 (Out of stock)
Alakazam ex Full Art 188/165 (Out of stock)
Golem ex Full Art 189/165 (Out of stock)
Kangaskhan ex Full Art 190/165 (Out of stock)
Jynx ex Full Art 191/165 (Out of stock)
Zapdos ex Full Art 192/165 (Out of stock)
Bill's Transfer Full Art 194/165 (Out of stock)
Daisy's Help Full Art 195/165 (Out of stock)
Erika's Invitation Full Art 19... (Out of stock)
Giovanni's Charisma Full Art 1... (Out of stock)
Giovanni's Charisma SIR 204/165 (Out of stock)
Gold Psychic Energy 207/165 (Out of stock)
Fire Energy Galaxy Holo (Out of stock)
Metal Energy Galaxy Holo
Psychic Energy Galaxy Holo
Lightning Energy Galaxy Holo (Out of stock)
Dark Energy Galaxy Holo
Grass Energy Galaxy Holo
Water Energy Galaxy Holo (Out of stock)
Fighting Energy Galaxy Holo
More than 10 available1,937 sold
US $0.60 Standard Shipping. See detailsfor shipping
Located in: Little Elm, Texas, United States
Estimated between Wed, Jul 31 and Mon, Aug 5 to 43230
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eBay item number:134742352525
Last updated on Mar 17, 2024 18:37:12 PDTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Near mint or better: Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Pokemon 151
Blastoise, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Charmander, Charmeleon, Darkrai, Dragonite, Haunter, Ivysaur, Ninetales, Pikachu, Snorlax, Squirtle, Venusaur, Wartortle, Zapdos
Creature/Monster Type
Year Manufactured
Card Stock
Age Level
Pokémon TCG
Card Name
Secret Rare
Alternative Art
Card Type

Item description from the seller



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Joined May 2022
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Reasonable shipping cost
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Seller feedback (1,018)

c***9 (9)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
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Great looking card. Arrived in quality packaging.
e***k (103)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
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Great card. Very good shape. Fast shipping. Will buy from seller again
o***s (77)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
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Another really cool card to add to my growing Pokemon 151 collection.
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