mobility scooter ramp

Make the World Accessible With a Mobility Scooter Ramp

If you need to get a wheelchair or scooter in and out of a house or business that lacks a built-in ramp for a vehicle, a mobility scooter ramp may be the solution for you. Folding for convenience and lightweight enough to be portable, these ramps allow access into previously inaccessible places for those with mobility issues who rely on wheelchairs or scooters. eBay offers a selection of affordable mobility scooter ramps to choose from.

The benefits of aluminum mobility scooter ramps

Aluminum is known for its optimal strength-to-weight ratio for wheelchair ramp purposes. This material is comparable in strength to other metals, yet it is far lighter than those other materials from which wheelchair ramps can be made. The light weight of aluminum also makes it ideal for mobility scooter ramp construction as it is a breeze to assemble and relocate. This makes it ultra portable.

What are some other uses for mobility scooter ramps?
  • Wheelchairs, as well as scooters, can get into cars and residences, reach porches, and navigate steps and other obstacles with a portable scooter ramp.
  • Motorcycles and bicycles can be transported with ease via a lightweight aluminum ramp.
  • Pet accessibility is possible for homes and vehicles when a pet is elderly or infirm and needs help to get into a car or climb stairs into its home.
  • Lawn equipment can be easily transported with a portable folding aluminum ramp.
What is the weight capacity of a mobility scooter ramp?

Most of the new and preowned folding mobility scooter ramps on eBay have a weight capacity of 500 or 600 pounds. This is sufficient for the needs of most electric wheelchairs and scooters plus the weight of most riders. Special ramps are available for bariatric needs. See the manufacturer site for details.

Advantages of a portable ramp

A portable ramp is much more versatile than a stationary one attached to a porch or installed in a vehicle. It can be used for small impediments like curbs and then easily moved to climb stairs or reach porches. An affordable mobility scooter ramp for an SUV or a van can get a wheelchair or scooter into and out of the vehicle in a simple fashion. From there, it can be used for getting into a building or over any other obstruction in the way.