handwritten recipes

Vintage Handwritten Recipes on eBay

Did home cooking look the same at the turn of the century as it does now? On eBay, you can find home recipes from different decades and even recipe collections from other countries. From family recipes to vintage collections clipped from magazines, you can get directions for just about anything you'd like to try your hand at making in the kitchen.

What are some of the benefits of buying vintage recipes?

It's interesting to see how tastes have changed over the years, and you can sometimes find old forgotten handwritten recipes that most people no longer know about. It's enjoyable to try something different or even a new twist on an old favorite. You never know what food preparation techniques someone in the past thought were worth documenting. For example, if you're a meat lover, you might find an old recipe box filled with 100 ways to prepare steak and meatloaf.

Handwritten recipe cookbooks 

Handwritten recipes are sometimes collected into cookbooks, and this can be a boon for the new cook just starting out. Home recipes are often written in a more helpful way, with extra tips to make a meal turn out just right. It can be easy to try out new foods when recipes are categorized according to appetizers, entrees, baked goods, desserts, etc. 

More reasons to check out vintage recipe collections  

  • Recipes from all over the world: You can find handwritten recipes from other countries written in English. One quick survey of what was available brought up recipe collections from Portugal, Hungary, and France.
  • Unusual and unique recipes: It can be fun to find 100 ways to make pickles or potatoes. Or, maybe you'll find new and different techniques for preparing recipes that you already make.
  • Regional recipes: Many old recipes are family favorites, but others have a geographic history. It can be eye-opening to see the differences between the cuisines of the Southern, Western, and Northern regions of the country and how each one has changed over time.
  • Traditional favorites: Magazines have often devoted space in each issue to the most tried-and-true recipes. Vintage collections of published recipes highlight the popular recipes that have stood the test of time.
  • Specialty recipes: Some old collections are specific to a certain product like baked goods made with Crisco shortening or recipes that use Campbell's soups.