cable crossover

Add Versatility to Your Workouts With a Cable Crossover Machine

Target any muscle group in your body with the cable crossover approach. Often described as a combination of strategies, cable crossover finds a balance between free weights and weight stacks. Choose a model on eBay that is ideal for your body but also the confines of your workout area. 

Which types of cable crossover machines are available? 

Most machines for cable crossover are fundamentally the same but do differ in terms of pulley orientation as well as overall height, width, and depth. Some machines are also adjustable so that you can, for instance, switch stacks from side-to-side to face-to-face or even adjust the height.  

  • Center stack – Such equipment features a single stack of weights that is centered between the two sides of the machine. The maximum weight is predetermined and usually not changeable.
  • Side-by-side stack – These machines have a predetermined weight stack on each side. Equipment listed as 2 x 160 pounds, for instance, would have a weight stack on each side that could go up to 160.
  • Plate-loaded – Plate-loaded crossover machines let you add or remove weights as needed. There may be additional costs associated with these machines, but they are versatile and can grow with you.

Essentials to look for in cable crossover machines 

There are three key points to consider when purchasing a versatile cable crossover machine on eBay:  

  • Dimensions – Machines range from compact to gym-sized. Measure the space you have available. Choose a machine with the appropriate minimum dimensions.
  • Adjustability – Adjustability is a useful feature if different people will use the machine. Being able to adjust weight orientation also gives you additional workout options.
  • Maximum weight – Many machines offer 160 pounds but can go up to 200 pounds or more, or even be expandable. The goal is to choose a max weight that you won’t outgrow too soon.

Which brands make crossover machines? 

The following are among the many leading brands that make crossover machines for home use as well as gym use:  

  • Body-Solid - This is among the leading brands found in professional gyms.
  • Titan Fitness - This brand targets home use and affordability.
  • Valor Fitness - This company offers innovative designs that differ from traditional crossover machines.