Sony Netbooks

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Sony Netbooks Lend An Assist To Users Seeking A Basic Laptop

A Sony netbook lets the user perform a great variety of simple internet-based duties such as browsing, emailing, and staying up-to-date on social media. Furthermore, the Vaio provides enough RAM memory to handle a number of program-based apps and other duties. The device may be a preferable choice for travelers or those in need of a second computer.

How much memory is on a Sony Vaio?

Depending on the particular model number, memory can range. Gigabytes of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 are not uncommon figures for the factory-installed hard drive. The amount of memory on the RAM can also vary with 60 to 253 GB listed among the storage capacity available.

What types of features are found on a Sony Netbook?

Several different features come with a standard Sony laptop. The various features allow users to maximize their use of the device thanks to all the increased capabilities. Some of the selection of features include the following:

  • Built-in webcam: An internal webcam affords the ability to webchat, live stream video, and more without the necessity of purchasing an external device.
  • Bluetooth capable: Anyone interested in connecting the webcam with external devices can take advantage of the integrated Bluetooth system. With Bluetooth, an alternative exists to hardwiring the Sony model to other electronic devices.
  • Varied hardware connectivity: Different ports make it possible to maximize connection options. USB 2.0 and 3.0, HDMI, firewire, ethernet, and VGA ports are built into the various units. Different models do vary in the number of ports.
  • Built-in Wi-Fi: No need to install any additional components to connect to Wi-Fi signals. Everything has been installed by the factory.
What sizes are the Sony Vaio netbook computers?

These laptops come in traditional standard sizes such as 13.3-inch, 14-inch, and 15.5-inch models. Other versions have been produced in much smaller sizes including 8-inch and 10-inch models. The 8-inch and 10-inch versions are known for their light weight and portability. The smaller models still do come with significant storage capacity since the minute dimensions do not compromise the physical size of the hard drive.

What type of processor is installed on the Vaio?

A number of different processor selections are installed on the Sony notebook line. Among the available processors for the Sony Vaio netbook include the following:

  • Intel Atom N280 - 1.66 GHz
  • Intel Pentium T2310 Dual-Core - 1.46 GHz
  • Intel Atom Single-Core - 1.33GHz
  • Intel Atom Single-Core - 1.83GHz
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