Silk Underwear for Men

Choosing the Right Pair of Men's Silk Underwear on eBay

eBay offers a wealth of high-quality silk underwear for men at affordable prices. However, there are many different types to select from. Here's how to find your perfect fit.

Which available style of affordable silk underwear is right for you?

One of the most important things to consider is the cut of any underwear you intend to purchase. Here are some of the styles commonly offered on eBay:

  • Thong: The silk thong is one of the smaller cuts available. Because of its design, it is especially suited to wearing under tight pants.
  • Mesh brief: This somewhat unusual style is a traditional brief with a mesh overlay.
  • Shorts: This form of silk underwear is tight-fitting, similar to compression shorts.
  • Boxers: This classic combines the boxer design with the softness of silk.
  • Traditional brief: Men's silk briefs give the traditional brief design a comfort upgrade.
Considering available features of new and preowned silk underwear for men

Some manufacturers of men's silk underwear claim that they have made upgrades to improve health and comfort. Two of these innovations are the front pouch and the inclusion of magnets.

  • The pouch: Makers of pouch-equipped underwear claim that this design increases comfort and breathability. A design like this may be especially welcome in the humid summer months.
  • Magnetic underwear: This newer technology includes magnets. Manufacturers claim that the inclusion of these magnets may be beneficial for men's overall health.
Available underwear colors and patterns to choose from

Men's silk underwear briefs come in a range of colors and patterns. Many of these are solid colors ranging from demure neutrals to bright neon colors. However, you may occasionally see pairs sold in patterns like animal print, camouflage, and stripes.

If you're looking for a touch of extra color without the loudness of a pattern, many manufacturers include a waistband in contrasting color or contrast piping along seams. Others offer a slight accent color, usually on one side.

Assessing fit to ensure you purchase the right size

Particularly if you want to purchase silk underwear from a new manufacturer, it's important to ensure you get the right fit. To do so, first check the listing; most will include actual measurements to ensure an accurate fit. When in doubt, or if this information is not included in the listing, consult manufacturer guidelines. The majority of manufacturers will publish detailed sizing information to ensure customer satisfaction and the right fit.