Plastic Small Home Storage Boxes

Tidy Up Your Life With Small Plastic Storage Boxes

When space is at a premium, you can't afford to let things get messy. Small plastic storage boxes can be a lifesaver in any number of situations. Whether you're a makeup addict, you've got more stationery than you know what to do with, or your hobby has led your desk to be full of tiny pieces, a collection of small storage boxes will allow you to keep everything under control.

Types of small plastic storage boxes

There's a type of storage box to suit everyone. Think about what you're going to be storing, and use these tips to help you choose the ideal option for you:

  • If you're into a hobby like crafting or gaming, then you'll need very small plastic storage boxes that offer separate compartments. That way, you'll never have to deal with painstakingly separating your red beads from your pink ones again.
  • If space is important, look for small storage boxes with lids, rather than open-top trays. This will allow you to stack them.
  • The bigger your collection, the more useful it will be to have clear storage boxes. You'll be able to see at a glance where everything is.
  • On the other hand, if you'd rather find something that can stand out as a decorative element in its own right, choose small colored plastic storage boxes in whichever color scheme you prefer.
Plastic storage boxes on the go

If you're planning to travel with your collection, then you won't want to waste time packing and unpacking. A carry case with a handle set into the lid will help you, especially if it is divided into several internal compartments. Make sure to choose one that is strong enough for your needs. Craft supplies for hobbies like beading and sewing can easily be transported in a lightweight box, but painted miniatures or DIY equipment will need something sturdier.

What about the environmental impact of plastic storage boxes?

These small plastic boxes are durable and designed to be reused many times over the years, so in fact over time, they are an eco-friendly choice. The versatility of plastic boxes for storage means that you can move things around if you want. If you tire of one hobby, you'll be able to reuse your plastic boxes for something else, without adding to your carbon footprint.

How can you use plastic storage boxes to save space?

If you really have very limited room for your supplies, then very small storage boxes are a good choice. Look for clever systems to reduce the amount of space they take up. Stack vertically, or choose plastic storage cases that can be attached to the wall.