Mason Jar 1858

A Guide to Buying 1858 Mason Jars on eBay

Ever since John Landis Mason got the Mason jar patent on November 30th, 1858, hundreds of different mason jar designs by scores of different glassmakers were created. Most of those containing the "Mason's patent Nov 30th 1858" marking on the glass were produced between that date and the mid-1910s. To collect original antique Mason jars with the 1858 patent, you need to know how to identify and distinguish an 1858 Mason jar from a reproduction produced more recently.

How do you tell the difference between an original 1858 Mason jar and a reproduction?

In addition to "authentic" reproductions, you can also find a lot of new fake jars marked "Mason's patent Nov 30th 1858" as well as fantasy jars created as novelty items. Here are a few of the characteristics to look for when trying to tell an original 1858 Mason jar from a reproduction, fantasy, or fake jar:

  • Mold number - All original 1858 Mason jars have a mold number embossed into their base. Be aware, however, that some fake jars also have mold numbers, although these often contain errors, such as backward numerals or incorrect lettering. Many antique Mason jar collectors have also identified several mold numbers as fakes, including 851, 971, and 1171.
  • Colors - While rare or unusual colors can give an 1858 Mason jar value, some rare or unusual colors of glass simply did not exist or were not used between 1858 and the mid-1910s, so an unusual color is a clear sign that a jar was made more recently. One of the sought-after old Mason jars is the 1858 Mason jar that is blue in color, however.
  • Glass company - Different glass manufacturers have made Mason jars over the years, and one way to distinguish reproductions or fakes from originals is to identify the glassmaker. Some glassmakers of original Mason patent Nov 30th 1858 jars include Atlantic Glass Works, also seen as Crowleytown Glass Works, and Consolidated Fruit Jar Company.
What to look for when buying antique Mason jars

Whether an original, a reproduction, or a fantasy jar, before buying any antique Mason jars on eBay, examine it closely to make sure it meets certain quality criteria. Make sure it has no cracks or chips. Make sure it still has its full lid and that both parts are free of rust.

Some notable antique Mason jars

Among the 1858 Mason jar options to watch for include:

  • Amber Tudor rose jar
  • Midget pint fruit jar with ground lip
  • Rylands of Barnsley Climax Atlas 1 1/2-quart super-crude rich green jar
Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mason Jars Company.