Living Room Wallpaper Rolls & Sheets

Living Room Wallpaper Enhances Your Decor

To create a relaxing environment in your living area, use living room wallpaper. A wide range of patterns are available on eBay, so you can choose a suitable match for your home. Many options have features that make them ideal for people who want a temporary solution, and these can be applied quickly to transform any room for a special occasion.

Is peel-and-stick front room wallpaper easy to remove?

Yes. Peel-and-stick front room wallpaper can be easily removed from any surface without damaging the wall, or the wallpaper. This makes this type of wallpaper a good option for people who are renting and cannot paint the area in any color they choose. Peel-and-stick front room wallpaper can also be reused, so if you get bored, you can simply shift it to another location, or you can reuse it when you move.

Can wallpaper be used to create a feature wall?

Yes. Wallpaper can be used to transform a surface in minutes. This makes it ideal for feature walls, and you can find stunning geometric patterns in vivid colors on eBay. There are also several decorated with gold accents, or realistic natural patterns, such as flowers, which help you to create your ideal setting. Most are spongeable, and feature patterns, which repeat at 26 cm intervals. These wallpapers can also be used to decorate an entire room without being overwhelming.

Benefit from washable wallpaper

If you have children or pets in your home, washable living room wallpaper may be a good option for you. Selections from eBay in this category are made using durable vinyl and can be easily cleaned. These come in various appealing colors and textures to match your living room decor, and they can be used in areas where water resistance is a priority. Some vendors may allow you to customise your designs, so you can have a repeating pattern that consists of family photos. Options from eBay offer the following benefits:

  • They don't release turpentine or other toxic chemicals, so they are suitable for areas where indoor air quality is important.
  • They are thick enough to hide imperfections in a living room wall.
  • Some are embossed, giving them an attractive raised finish.
Create an elegant setting with a matte finish

While wallpaper with a shiny surface can brighten a room, there are several matte or semi-matte options on eBay, which provide an elegant look. These may or may not be textured, and usually, wallpapers with a matte finish are not textured because this can distract from the smooth effect that is desired. Some wallpapers are backed by fabric, and this gives them extra strength and durability. These wallpapers are often resistant to scratching, and this makes them ideal for entryways, play areas, and other areas where they may come in contact with pets and children.