ASUS USB Ports Parts

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Buying a USB Port For an Your Tablet or eBook Reader

The USB setup on your tablet or ebook reader should be reviewed appropriately. Your tablet can come with a USB port that you can use for powering up your device and for linking it to a larger Apple or Microsoft computer or ASUS laptop or even a portable USB-powered monitor. Some models let you read things in landscape or portrait mode and can link to computers with secure Wi-Fi links.

When Should You Get a New USB Port?

There are many occasions where you might need to get a new port for your device:

  • The plug is coming loose from the rest of the tablet.
  • You have to shake the power cord or adapter while in the plug just to make it connect and stay in there.
  • When the power cord is in the USB setup, the cord keeps cutting in and out. That is, the power source is intermittent.
  • Any portable monitor devices like a USB monitor that you link your tablet or reader up to might turn on and off at random. You may not get the Full HD video that you want out of the setup either.
  • Files you read off of your portable tablet on a desktop or laptop computer might disappear suddenly due to the connection not being stable enough.
  • The two monitors on a dual-monitor layout that your connection is set up to are not in sync.
  • Any driver you need for setup is not installing correctly. The unit on your laptop or other item might not be working.
  • Other parts of your unit like your WiFi setup might be impacted.

Analyze the Port

The new USB port you want to buy for your tablet must be compatible with your portable monitor or another item. It needs to support the appropriate standard. The ASUS MB169B, for instance, would need a new setup that can support USB 3.0 signals.

The port must also be sized well enough to physically fit into your tablet. It also needs to run with the correct software, particularly the operating system. A port might be optimized for use in Windows, for instance.

How Will You Replace the Port?

The following steps will help you get the USB link on your tablet or ebook reader replaced:

  1. Remove any cases or adjustable stand parts, including the ASUS Smart Case, if you have one.
  2. Pry open the tablet with a plastic spudger or other similar tool. Look for a good space on the side that lets you open it up.
  3. Place the tablet face down so you do not damage the screen.
  4. Flip the hard power switch off. The switch should be near the wireless connection setup. By turning it off, you will temporarily disable the tablet.
  5. Remove your battery connection. The connector should easily pull out. 
  6. Loosen and remove the screws at the bottom where the USB device is located. You should not have to remove the wireless Wi-Fi adapter or other parts from the motherboard. 
  7. Pull up on the USB setup, but do not force it out.
  8. There should be a charging strip near the USB port. This should link the USB device to the motherboard or another power source inside your device. Disconnect the strip from the plug.
  9. Slide out the old USB device.
  10. Add the new USB to the unit.
  11. Piece everything back together by following the instructions in the opposite order. Don't forget to turn the hard power switch back on. The tablet should start to read a data connection with the new setup at this point.
  12. You might have to get a new driver for your tablet if you have a USB port made by a third party. Check the instructions on your unit to see what you should do here.

At this point, the ASUS USB system should be ready for use. You can test it by linking a portable monitor to it or to get your USB controllers running on it. See that the connection is fully secure.