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Location: United StatesMember since: Jul 11, 2001
Reviews (6)
Feb 08, 2008
The absolute best Call of Duty Series yet !!
For the fourth installment of the series once set in World War II, the Call of Duty series moves to the present day (thankfully), and what results is by far the best Call of Duty game to see the light of day yet. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare may very well be one of the best first person shooter's you'll ever play on any system, as it features astounding production values and brilliant multiplayer modes on XBox Live. The graphics and visual presentation are simply gorgeous, as are the spectacular sound effects, which is something the series has always done particularly well. Controls are sharp and the multiplayer elements make Call of Duty 4 worth picking up alone, but there is one glaring flaw that is unavoidable to notice. The single player campaign is short, quite short in fact. You could probably finish the game's single player campaign in an afternoon if you so desired, which is a big time drawback if multiplayer gaming isn't your thing. If it is your thing though, you'll find it a blast here, and even though the single player campaign is lacking, Call of Duty 4 is still definitely worth picking up. All in all, Call of Duty 4 is by far the best game in the series yet, and if you're leary of the change of scenery, fear not, war shooters don't get any better than this.
Feb 08, 2008
Could have been worse, and could have been alot better.
Reuniting The One co-stars Jet Li and Jason Statham, War follows FBI Agent John Crawford (Statham) who sets out on a vengeful vendetta against a legendary, and ruthless, assassin named Rogue (Li) after he murders his partner. Eventually, the two face off, but sadly, everything in between is kind of disappointing. There are some nice twists to be found in War, but when your two main attractions are Jet Li and Jason Statham, you'd more than likely expect some heaping moments of high flying, over the top, martial arts action. You get it, but you don't get enough of it, and a majority of the action in War just comes off as being watered down. The two leads are enjoyable though, as Li succeeds as the ruthless Rogue, and Statham continues to find himself an action film favorite. There are some notable supporting actors to be found in War as well, including the gorgeous Devon Aoki (Sin City) and a surprising appearance from John Lone. All in all, War isn't a bad action choice one bit, but with the pairing of Li and Statham, the end result is mildly disappointing.
Feb 08, 2008
One of the Best Seasons and here's why:
This Season, 2 was really the season Angel came into its own as a series separate from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. What really made season two great, at least for the first half of the season, was Julie Benz's tragically wonderful performance as Angel's sire, Darla. Not only did the character grow and become more than just a vampire killer, we got to learn more of the background behind hers and Angel's tempestuous relationship; including how Darla was sired by The Master. This was also a really great season for the supporting players, Cordelia, Gunn and Wesley most of all. An of course we can't forget Andy Hallett's performance as the Host, Lorne. As the season progressed we got to know more about him, about what he can do, and where he came from. Not to mention the fact that he can sing! The end sets up season three, which is almost as good a season.
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