Wood Bathroom Shelves

Wood Bathroom Shelves

Wood is both useful and beautiful. If you need more storage in a bathroom or you have decorative items you want to display on a bathroom shelf or two, you might want to consider installing wood shelves. The following information may help you to decide on the kind of bathroom shelves you want.

What are the benefits of having solid wood bathroom shelves?

Natural wood shelves add quality, sophistication, and warmth to any room’s décor. Wood is stronger than plastic or bamboo, and it lasts longer than particle board-type imitation wood does. Cabinets provide added bathroom storage space to help keep small items organized on shelves that are out of sight.

What are some features associated with genuine wood shelves?

Everything from rustic to formal shelves can be found if you’re looking for large, open shelving. Small ones that are created with a scroll saw, featuring cutout scenes or other types of decorations can add a personal, homey touch to a space. Cabinet towers and their matching free-standing, over-the-toilet counterparts are mostly differentiated by the kind of wood, stain, paint color, hardware, or top trimming used. Wall-mounted, corner, and mirrored medicine shelving units are also options.

What are some tips for installing natural wood cabinets?

Attach towers to studs so that they are sturdy and do not rock forward. Heavy, wall-mounted fixtures also need to be attached to two wall studs. The wall studs in your bathroom should be about 16 inches apart.

What are some tips for hanging a wall shelf?

A tiny wall shelf that you intend to place lightweight items on does not need to be attached to wall studs. Picture-hanging hooks that are of the appropriate size for the weight to be supported may be a good option for hanging some lightweight shelves. Heavy wood shelves need to be built with support underneath them, and they need to be attached to at least one wall stud with long nails or screws.

What are some tips for hanging utilitarian wooden shelves?

Multishelf metal hanging bars can be attached to two studs with many screws for use with several lightweight wooden shelves that hang one above the other. The shelves are held up by metal supports. These shelves can be taken out of the wall braces and rearranged to different heights as needed. This setup tends to be more utilitarian than pretty, but fabric ruffles can be nailed to the shelf edges to help conceal the metal supports underneath if desired.

What are interior decorating design tips for shelves?

If you’re hanging a decorative wood shelf under a picture, interior decorators advise you to hang the shelf 12 inches below the picture. An imitation or real plant that hangs down from the shelf, paired with an attractive knickknack, makes for a nice display.