Mobility Scooter Parts

Finding Mobility Scooter Parts

If you use a mobility scooter to assist you in moving freely around your home, office, or neighborhood to complete daily chores, you may find it necessary to maintain your mobility scooter by updating or replacing your mobility scooter parts as time and needs dictate. Understanding how to find used mobility scooter parts is key to keeping you on the move. Searching eBay for Rascal scooter parts, Drive Scout scooter parts, GoGo scooter parts, and other common manufacturers can be an affordable means of updating your mobility scooter.

How do you know when you need to replace the AGM battery for your mobility scooter?

AGM batteries, short for absorbent glass mat batteries, are the standard type used in mobility scooters. These batteries recharge at a fast rate and hold a high electrical charge, which makes them ideal for mobility scooter usage. However, like all batteries, AGM batteries can and do have life limits. Consider these situations that may indicate that your AGM battery is in need of replacement:

  • Most AGM batteries, when properly maintained and charged, have a life of approximately one year. If the AGM battery requires more frequent charging and the power decreases sooner, it may be time to replace it.
  • AGM batteries that have sat idle and unused for long periods of time, such as several months, may also need replacement.
When should you replace tires?

Just as in any vehicle, your scooter's reliability and your own personal safety require tires in good condition. Maintain your mobility scooter tires by keeping them properly inflated to the correct PSI per your scooter's specifications; replace your scooter tires when the tread is at 1/32 inches or less to maintain proper traction on surfaces. When you're browsing mobility scooter parts for tires, always consider tires that are made for your brand of scooter.

Differences between offboard and onboard battery chargers

Your mobility scooter's systems are electrically powered by a fully charged battery, and you'll find chargers and related accessories when browsing eBay. Depending upon the type and model of scooter, your battery charger is either an offboard charger or onboard charger. Note the following differences to ensure you get the right part:

  • Offboard battery chargers are a separate part from the scooter. To charge the scooter battery, you must remove the battery from the scooter and charge it in the offboard charger. Then, reinstall the battery when it's fully charged.
  • Onboard battery chargers are built into the scooter. To charge the scooter battery, you simply use the charger power cord to plug it into the wall. Then, unplug the charger when the battery is fully charged.