Women's Leg Warmers

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What Are Leg Warmers for Women?

Leg warmers cover womens lower legs. These look like socks but are thicker and often footless, and formerly an accessory you saw more in the 80s, ballet and classical dancers popularly continue to use these for support. These warm up the leg muscles and also prevent injuries and muscles cramps.

What Are Some Leg Warmers for Women?

  1. Dance Leg Warmers. These are specific wear for women dancers. The design accommodates different dance forms. You can pull these to cover the top of your feet. These also cover the heels. Good leg warmers keep dancers from slipping and sliding.
  2. Sport Leg Warmers. These are specific wear for women athletes. The design maintains flexibility of movement and breathability. The fabric is moisture-wicking. These are lightweight. Some expose the toes. Some athletes use long leg warmers, others just knee-high ones.
  3. Fashion Leg Warmers.  These serve as clothing accessories for women. These are popular wear, especially during winter. Womens leg warmers may rise high up the knees for adding warmth, not just for fashion purposes.

What Are Other Types of Foot Coverings?

  1. Hosiery. People sometimes call these stockings. These may be sheer or knit coverings for the legs. Some go up the thigh and may have garter for support. Like regular socks, women and girls wear these to add comfort under closed shoes, heeled shoes, and even sneakers.
  2. Boot Toppers. These are decorative accessories you wear over tights or leggings and skinny jeans. Some have buttons.
  3. Boot socks. These specific pairs are sturdy foot covers that give comfort to your feet while you use your hard boots.
  4. Leggings. Some long leg warmers look like leggings but leggings are tight-fitting undergarments. Like high leg warmers, these cover girls and womens waists down to the ankles.

What Are Good Leg Warmers?

  1. Good ones keep dry. Thick, non-breathable legwarmers are breeding ground for microbes that cause stinky odors. Go for a pair that allows air to circulate and sweat to dry fast.
  2. Good ones are lightweight. Heavy materials may bring discomfort. Choose a pair that is lightweight yet durable so it doesnt tear with frequent use.
  3. Good ones are easy to pair. Stick to colors and materials that can blend with your other clothing and footwear. Black is a classic color, have at least one black pair for basic use.
  4. Good ones have thermal insulation. This is essential most especially when you need a pair to use during cold, winter days.