Bridal Shoes

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Find Bridal Shoes for Your Special Day

Weddings are among the most significant events in anyone's life. Getting the right outfit and shoes is important if you want the occasion to be a success. eBay offers wedding shoes in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles, including pumps, wedges, and heels.

What should you look for in wedding shoes?

Your wedding shoes should be comfortable since you will have to walk or dance during the event. Having a comfortable pair of shoes will make the occasion even more enjoyable. Before you think about style or theme, you need to make sure the shoes are suitable for the various activities you plan to include in your wedding. You can wear them around the house before your wedding day to get a feel for how comfortable they are, or to just break them in if they are new wedding shoes. If you are not comfortable in heels, then it would be advisable to opt for pumps or flats.

How to choose wedding shoes

When selecting wedding shoes, there are a variety of factors that are important to consider, including:

  • Shoe size - Regardless of what kind of shoe you plan on wearing at your wedding, you want to make sure it fits. eBay typically offers wedding shoes in sizes 6-10, including half-sizes, though other unusual sizes may also be available.
  • Setting - Make sure your shoes match the theme and location of the occasion. Weddings are held in many different settings, and each one has its own theme. For most traditional or outdoor weddings, you will need to avoid heels and instead go for flats or sandals. At the beach, you can also forego shoes during the wedding ceremony and slip into some heels when you get to the reception.
  • Color - The color of your shoes should match the theme and style of your dress. Your wedding dress and shoes should convey a sense of harmony. Classic colors for wedding shoes include white, blue, gold, and black. You can also find unorthodox colors such as fuchsia and leopard print, or shoes with embellishments like rhinestones and lace.
  • Height - The height of your heels will determine the design of your wedding gown. If you want to purchase an extra pair of shoes for your wedding, you may want them to be just as high as your original pair. You can also have a pair of heels to walk in and wedges to dance in.
Should you wear heels or flats?

Whether to go with heels or flats depends on your unique situation. Here are some tips to help you decide:

  • Height - If you are short and want an extra height boost, you could opt for heels of up to 3 inches.
  • Wedding tradition - If you want to dance or are having a more traditional wedding, pumps will likely be more suitable because of their lower heel.
  • Dress length - The length of your dress will also help you decide. In some cases, the dress will be too long, and people will rarely get a glimpse of your shoes. If this is the case, you can get away with a more comfortable pair of flats or pumps.

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