Spice Girls Memorabilia

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Spice Girls Memorabilia

In 1996, the Spice Girls took the world by storm with their first single ñWannabe.î This British five-woman pop group went on to sell over 85 million records across the globe. Though they are no longer together or performing, you can show your appreciation and commemorate their mark in music history with Spice Girls memorabilia.

Who are the Spice Girl band members?

There were five spice girls, each of whom had a band persona:

  • Baby Spice - Emma Bunton
  • Sporty Spice - Melanie Chisholm, or Melanie C
  • Posh Spice - Victoria Adams, now Victoria Beckham
  • Ginger Spice - Geri Halliwell
  • Scary Spice - Melanie Brown, or Mel B
What types of Spice Girls memorabilia are available?

Whether you are an old Spice Girls fan or a new one looking for an iconic photo or video cassette of a concert, there are plenty of memorabilia items available to help you celebrate the music of Baby Spice, Sporty Spice, Ginger Spice, Posh Spice, and Scary Spice. Spice Girls memorabilia includes:

  • Posters - You can find several different posters featuring the Spice Girls; some have not even been out of their original plastic packaging and some feature replica signatures. These posters have pictures of the band members like Geri and Victoria in their iconic clothing in fun poses.
  • T-shirts - There's no better way to tell the world that you are a Spice Girls fan than with a unique T-shirt. While some people prefer to collect these items, some also choose to use them and wear them for everyday use or special occasions.
  • Dolls - Similar to Barbies, most are 11-inches. There is one to represent each member of the all-girl band with similar facial features, hair, and even clothing. You can also find dolls in a 6-inch size that are all plastic.
  • Collectible figures - Cartoon-like and fun, collectible Spice Girls figures in the same style as bobblehead figures can also be found. These figures look very similar to each band member as well as their hair, clothing, and facial features.
  • Magazines - As to be expected, this well-known group was featured in many magazines all over the world during their reign. This includes Vogue, Now, OK, Entertainment, YM, Music Week, TV Times, First, Closer, Star, Now, Heat, and Reveal. These have now become collector items.
What albums did the Spice Girls record?

Records are also considered memorabilia. The Spice Girls recorded a total of three pop albums during their musical careers:

  • Spice in 1996 including their hits \"Wannabe\" and \"Say You Will Be There\"
  • Spiceworld in 1997 with the songs \"Too Much\" and \"Stop\" on it
  • Forever in 2000 which included songs such as \"Holler\" and \"Let Love Lead the Way\"