Antique Locks, Latches & Keys

Refresh the Appearance of a Door With Antique Keys and Locks

Antique locks can add an elegant touch to your current interior doors. Affordable vintage locks can be decorative as well as functional. You will find a large selection of charming vintage locks for sale on eBay; check out locks and their keys for furniture, cabinets, and doors in a variety of materials, sizes, and designs.

What types of old locks are for sale?

Locks fit different doors and have varying functions. You will find cabinet locks, mortise locks, and padlocks for sale online. In addition, if the original key isn’t available, you can purchase a skeleton key blank to have one made.

The materials used to make antique locks are typically metal, including chrome, copper, steel, cast iron, stainless steel, and tin. Occasionally, you can find vintage locks made with silver although it is usually silverplate or used for ornamentation. Both authentic and reproduction antique locks and keys are for sale online. Antique keys and locks may be salvaged, restored, or reclaimed.

Essentials to know when buying an antique lock and key set

Antique locks can be quite functional. Many antique keys and locks have solid security features. You will need to double-check the viability of the old locks if you intend to use them on a door. It’s not quite so important if you are collecting vintage locks for display.

Antique locks may need non-standard hole sizes or special pockets. This is because antique locks were typically handmade by the local locksmith. There is little standardization depending on the age of the old lock.

Look for rust, cracks, large breaks, and internal issues to determine whether the lock is functional. A clean, highly polished vintage lock and key may or may not be functional. Lastly, if you intend to use an antique lock and key set to secure a room, make sure you have all the pieces to complete the exchange.

What brands or manufacturers of old keys are there?

If you are looking for an antique key to fit an existing suitcase, trunk, chest of drawers, secretary desk, locking cabinets, or kitchen cabinets, then you will want to look for the manufacturer of the lock. There is quite a long list of makers of round or barrel old locks, including Crouch & Fitzgerald, Corbin, Eagle, Excelsior, Hartman, Star, Yale, Atkinson & Long, and Cheney. Flat key makers include the names above and Everlasting, Long, Milwaukee, Presto, Samsonite, and Wheary.