Cat Scratching Posts

Cat Scratching Posts

If you notice your cat scratching the furniture, it is easy to reach for the water spray bottle to discourage the behavior. But why not support the cat’s natural scratching need with an appropriate item? A cat scratching post meets the animal’s need to scratch without jeopardizing the sofa or rug.

Why do cats like to scratch?

It has little to do with your sofa's soft exterior and everything to do with the innate need to scratch. Kitty may be trying to remove outer layers of a claw. Doing so allows the new healthy growth to show. In the process, the animal ensures the overall health of its paws.

In multi-pet households, your feline companion may try to de-stress or mark its territory. Because there are scent glands located near the paw pads, the cat succeeds in leaving its specific smell. Doing so signals to other pets that they will do well to tread lightly. A cat cannot deny its natural need for scratching.

Are scratching posts good for cats?

Whether it uses the furniture or a scratching post, the pet fulfills its instinctual need to scratch. Because a scratching post can prevent it from damaging your sofa, it is a suitable compromise. Remember also that a vertical scratching post supports the animal’s ability to stretch its back, which promotes shoulder muscle health. Many a scratcher is part of a more extensive setup that includes sleeping platforms and occasionally also a hanging toy, which further adds usefulness to the scratching post.

How do you train a cat to use a scratching post?

Condition the pet to scratch a scratching post instead of the furniture with positive reinforcement. It makes sense that the animal would gravitate toward using the approved scratcher. Also, because many a scratcher features materials that make scratching there enjoyable, the cat returns to continue the behavior.

What is a cat scratching post made of?

There is a broad range of cat scratching products that allow for healthy scratching. They include various scratching post materials.

  • Particleboard: The interior of most cat scratching devices features particleboard, which provides stability and sturdiness.
  • Carpet: Platforms typically consist of carpeted sections. They are comfortable when kitty wants to rest. That said, the carpeting also works well as a scratching post surface.
  • Plush: Some manufacturers include plush in the production process to provide a mixture of surfaces. This design keeps the cat scratching post interesting for the animal.
  • Sisal: This product has a rope-like quality that is rough and supports the shedding of outer claw layers. Choosing a scratching post that combines sisal with other materials is an excellent option to keep the cat scratching this item instead of a sofa.