297 items sold

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qiliqiangxin 以岭 芪苈强心胶囊 0.3g*36粒 A3statye

$16.99 to $76.00

duoxihuansupian 辅仁 多西环素片 四环素 12片/1box A3statue


jianshenwan 壮腰健肾丸5.6g*10丸/盒

$16.99 to $65.00

aqimeisufensanpian Asan statue 赛乐欣 阿奇霉素分散片 0.25g*12片/盒

$17.99 to $34.00

Su Xiao Jiu Xin Wan (120 pills/Box) 速效救心丸

$19.99 to $37.00

Xiao Ke Wan (120 pills) 1box 消渴丸 A3statue


广州白云山 fufangdanshenpian 复方丹参片 0.32g*200片/盒 膜衣片

$17.88 to $33.00

24capsule*0.3g*10boxes Xue zhi kang Capsules 北大维信 血脂康胶囊 A7dian


lizhongwan zhongjing 仲景 300wan/1box 附子理中丸 浓缩丸

$16.88 to $57.00

shihuyeguangwan 石斛夜光丸 5.5g*10丸/1box

$18.99 to $85.00

pudilan pudilanxiaoyanpian 仁和 蒲地蓝消炎片 48片/盒

$18.99 to $35.00

zhizijinhuawan 栀子金花丸9g*10袋

$14.99 to $26.00

zhongjing xiangshayangweiwan 仲景 香砂养胃丸 浓缩丸 200wan / 1box

$16.99 to $42.00

shensongyangxinjiaonang A3statue 以岭 参松养心胶囊 0.4g*36粒


jiaogulanzongganpian 白云山 绞股蓝总甙片 80片/1box

$18.99 to $35.00

baohewan 仲景 保和丸 300丸/1box 浓缩丸

$15.88 to $39.99

yupingfengkeli 玉屏风颗粒 5g*15袋 Astatue

$18.99 to $35.00

qingxinwan 清心丸 3g*6丸/盒 3gx6pills/box


竹叶青 碧潭飘雪茶叶高端茉莉花茶特级浓香型自饮袋装 54g*1袋 四川特产 Jasmine Tea Chinese Tea China tea


zhengyuanjiaonang 益盛 振源胶囊 0.25*24粒/盒

$17.99 to $33.00

China tea 特级 Green tea 竹叶青 红茶叶 峨眉高山红茶 袋装90g Zhu ye qing Chinese Tea特级(品味)经典90g


Biluochun biluochun tea 狮峰牌 碧螺春 teji特级 春绿茶叶 浓香罐装100g


shifengpai longjingcha tea 狮峰牌 龙井茶 绿茶叶 雨前茶 80g(2g*40袋)/盒 三级茶


zuoguiwan 仲景 左归丸 45g/1box

$27.00 to $150.00

Chinese Boxwood Wood Hand Carved Cat Statue netsuke table decoration NOT antique


xiaoyanlidanpian 1box Asian 消炎利胆片0.26g*200片*1瓶/盒 白云山

$18.00 to $35.00

China tea 特级 Green tea 竹叶青峨眉 宝顶白芽茶叶 袋装120g 高山白茶2020年120g Zhu ye qing Tea


雲南 CHUANGKE 5BOX 创伤胶囊 Capsule chuangshuang 5box


Bamboo leaf green tea 竹叶青茶叶 峨眉高山绿茶 明前茶芽特级(品味) 经典 120g 高端茶叶


shifengpai longjingcha 狮峰牌 2024新茶 明前 龙井茶 绿茶叶 特级 tejikuan 250g


About us

Location: ChinaMember since: Nov 11, 2023Seller: usa-life-tea

Seller feedback (10)

  • *****- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past year
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    honest , reliable and friendly seller, fast shipping well packaged. Most important item is good as described. Highly recommend this seller!
  • *****- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    exact product fast delivery excellent packaging for safe arrival
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    Delivered as expected. Good packaging.
  • *****- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Good product!
  • *****- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past year
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    I ordered med for certain type of heart condition and then sent different med for another type of heart condition that I also have , so I kept it and used it. Would not order from them again as transit from China takes too long.
  • *****- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past year
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    Excellent Service..