Sthapatya Ved-Vastu Sastra: Ideal Homes, Colony and Town Planning, N. A. Gaur
Asvaghosa's Buddhacarita or Acts of the Buddha, E. H. Johnston
Sukhamani Sahib: Fountain of Eternal Joy, trans. by Swami Rama - trade paperback
The Hare Krishnas in India, by Charles R. Brooks - Hardcover
The Sraddha: The Hindu Book of the Dead, trans. R. C. Prasad - trade paperback
Ancient Indian Magic and Folklore: An Introduction, by Margaret Stutley
Tiruvalluvar: The Kural, translated from the Tamil, etc. - trade paperback
The Illustrated Dictionary of Hindu Iconography, by Margaret Stutley - hardcover
Abhinavagupta, The Kula Ritual, by John R. Dupuche
The Story of Meditation, by Sneh Chakraburtty
Bharata Natyam on the Global Stage, by Janet O'Shea, hardcover
Tales of Hithopadesha - paperback
The Great Liberation, by Sir John Woodroffe - trade paperback
The Asvamedha: The Rite and its Logic, by Subhash Kak - hardcover
Lord Shanmukha and His Worship, by Swami Sivananda - paperback
Yamuna, by B. K. Chaturvedi - paperback
Bhoga Karika of Sadyojyoti: With the Commentary of Aghora Siva, W. A. Borody
Confession, by Kavita Ram Shreshtha - paperback
Dreamland booklets on gods and goddesses, 24 pp., full color 8.5 x 11"
Mantramahodadhi of Mahidhara (Hardcover)
Devakatharasa, by Dr. Vijayshree - hardcover
Outlines of the Philosophy of Sri Madhwacharya, by B. A. Krishnaswamy Rao
Hindu Samskaras: Socio-Religious Study of the Hindu Sacraments, Rajbali Pandey
Tat Tvam Asi: The Universal Message in the Bhagavadgita (Volume I)
Five Divine Abodes, by Jayadayal Goyandka - booklet (stapled)
The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti, Vol. II: 1934-1935 (What is Right Action
Intimate Relations: Exploring Indian Sexuality, Sudhir Kakar - trade paperback
Sukhmani Saheb: Treasure of Bliss (A poetic rendering, etc.), by Bharat Bhooshan
Tantra Vidya: Based on Archaic Astronomy and Tantric Yoga, by Oscar Marcel Hinze
The Daily Evening and Morning Offerings (Agnihotra), by H. W. Bodewitz
Goddesses and Women in the Indic Religious Tradition, Arvind Sharma, ed.
Himalayan Mysticism: Shiva's Disc to Cut Asunder etc., by Ralph Nataraj
The Skill in Means (Upayakausalya) Sutra, translated by Mark Tatz - hardcover
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: A Living Saint, by Helena and Roland Olson
Theory and Practice of Yoga: Essays in Honor of Gerald James Larson
Baital Pachchisi: Retold by John Platts - trade paperback
Sanyasi Jisne Apni Sampatti Bech Di, by Robin Sharma (Hindi)
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Volume I: Balakanda, Robert P. Goldman, trans.
Bhamati and Vivarana Schools of Advaita Vedanta, by P. S. Roodurmun - hardcover
Glimpses of Devayana: A Short Synopsis of the Third Epic of India, by Dr. Hajari
Wheel of Life: An Autobiography, by Namgyal Lhamo Taklha
The Ramayana of Valmiki, Volume III: Aranyakanda, Sheldon L. Pollock, trans.
Vaisnavi: Women and the Worship of Krishna, edited by Steven J. Rosen
The Great Indian Middle Class, by Pavan K. Varma - trade paperback
Stories of Tenali Ramakrishna - paperback
Islam: An Historical Introduction, by Gerhard Endress
Romancing With Life: An Autobiography, by Dev Anand - hardcover (free dvd)
Ganesha-Karttikeya, by Ashish Khokar and S. Saraswati - paperback
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Since 1998, Seattle's Travelers Tea Company has been known for bringing India to the West; from our famous Masala Chai - served in restaurants and cafes throughout the Pacific Northwest - to South Asian gifts, handicrafts, art and more! Over time, the original shop has closed and so has the restaurant, but we live on through the magic of mail order. Check out our extensive list of teas and spices (many organic and fair trade certified), especially our house made spice blends, featuring Indian curry powders and blends, etc. You'll also find unusual books imported from India, original art pieces and sculptures, and handmade silver jewelry from India and Nepal. There's much more to discover, so check out our growing list of categories as we continue to list the treasures we have accumulated over the years!
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