4.0K items sold

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8" Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Imagen Estatua Sacred Heart of Jesus Figure Statue


7 Arcangeles Set 3" Archangels San Miguel Rafael Gabriel Religious Gift Imagen


12" St Philomena Statue Imagen Santa Filomena Catholic Christian Religious Gift


36" Risen Resurrection of Jesus Christ Statue Imagen Jesucristo Resucitado New


5" Santo Nino de Atocha Imagen Holy Infant of Atocha Statue Religious Gift


St Michael Red Adjustable Corded Bracelet Men Women Pulsera San Miguel Religious


8" St Clare Saint Santa Clara Asis Claire of Assisi Statue Imagen Catholic Gift


St Jude Corded Green Scapular Necklace Escapulario Verde San Judas Tadeo


Santo Nino de Atocha Tarjeta de Oracion Espanol Laminada Escapulario Catolico


12" Imagen San Pancracio St Pancratious Pancratius Statue Religious Gift Art


8" Santo Nino de Atocha Imagen Holy Infant of Atocha Statue Religious Gift


8" Imagen Virgen de Los Dolores Mater Dolorosa Our Lady of Sorrows Statue Gift


7" St. Jude Statue Coins Money Religious Imagen San Judas Tadeo Dinero Monedas


24" Imagen Santa Marta Martha Dominadora Dominator Dominatrix Snake Estatua New


24" St Anthony Statue Imagen San Antonio Padua Estatua Religious Art Gift New


8" x 1.5" Pashal Cirio Candle Easter Alfa Omega Lamb Vela Pascual Lent Holy Week


9" St. Jude Statue Coins Money Religious Imagen San Judas Tadeo Dinero Monedas


7.5" Baby Jesus Figurine Statue Imagen Nino Dios Religious Gift Christmas New


36" Virgen Rosa Mistica Imagen Estatua Mystic Rose Virgin Mary Statue Catholic


Boys Girls Confirmation Complete Candle Gift Set Keepsake English Missal Rosary


24" Our Lady of Mt Carmel Virgin Mary Statue Imagen de La Virgen del Carmen New


Imagen Estatua Virgen Caridad de Cobre Our Lady of Charity 13" Gold Tone Statue


7 pcs Boys Girls Baptism Christening Candle Gift Set Keepsake English Missal


White Bluetooth Wireless Earbuds 4th Generation Earphones Brand New Boxed


24" St Jude Glitter Tunic Statue Imagen San Judas Tadeo Religious Gift Art New


12 Devotional Candles to Divine Providence Velas Divina Providencia Trinidad Set


24" Imagen Estatua San Jose Dormido Sleeping St Joseph Statue Religious Gift


24" St Joseph Baby Jesus Statue Imagen San Jose Estatua Religious Gift Catholic


Boys Girls Confirmation Candle Gift Set Keepsake Spanish Missal Rosary Espanol


12" St Clare Saint Santa Clara Asis Claire of Assisi Statue Imagen Catholic Gift


Imagen Estatua Virgen Caridad de Cobre Our Lady of Charity 10" Statue Figure New


Virgen del Carmen Tarjeta de Oracion Espanol Laminada con Escapulario Catolico


Girls White Embroidered Organza Pearl First Communion Dress 8 Wedding Easter New

$29.9950% off

New Flower Girls White Mesh Ruffle Dress Size 14 Easter Wedding Party Graduation

$19.9950% off

3" Set of 10 Pcs Assorted Saints Virgins Figurines Favors Figuras Imagen Santos


36" Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue Imagen Sagrado Corazon Jesus New


24" Imagen Orisha Oshun Statue Ochun Yoruba African Goddess of Love Estatua New


Jesus Malverde Black Wood Necklace Corded Scapular Collar Escapulario Madera


St Saint Jude Black Leather Scapular Necklace Escapulario San Judas Tadeo Collar


8 x 2 Pashal Cirio Candle Easter Alfa Omega Lamb Vela Pascual Lent Holy Week New


Flower Girls White First Communion Lace Dress 3/4 Sleeves Size 12 Baptism Formal

$45.0050% off

New Flower Girls Ivory Dress Size 6 Wedding Graduation Party Fancy Easter Formal

$16.9950% off

Holy Infant of Atocha Black Wood Necklace Scapular Santo Nino Atocha Escapulario


Flower Girls Blush Lace Mesh Short Dress Size 8 Wedding Party Pearls New

$26.4950% off

Holy Infant of Atocha Brown Wood Necklace Scapular Santo Nino Atocha Escapulario


St Jude Black Wood Scapular Necklace San Judas Escapulario Gold Plated Charm


Jesus Malverde Green Wood Necklace Corded Scapular Collar Escapulario Madera


Baby Girls Faux Fur Long Sleeve Bolero Jacket Shrug Ivory 18-24M Sweater New


About us

Welcome to The Pretty Dress Outlet! Our store carries brand new dresses for Girls and suits for Boys at incredibly low prices! These lovely dresses and suits are great for parties, birthdays, weddings, pageants, flower girls, graduations, Easter, Christmas, and other holidays and special occasions. We invite you to look at our collection and tell your friends and family about our Store!
Location: United StatesMember since: Dec 17, 2004Seller: lutorr17

Seller feedback (1,066)

  • 2***s (658)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    Smooth transaction and fast shipping. Arrived as described. Thank you.
  • r***u (323)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    Item as described, fast shipping, great communication. Thanks!
  • r***a (193)- Feedback left by buyer.
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  • 6***e (87)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    The dress is beautiful, delivered on time and a great value. Extremely please with this purchase. Thank you
  • n***e (3709)- Feedback left by buyer.
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  • a***r (323)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    llego super rapido y muy buena calidad gracias